Floury potatoes are versatile and go well with many dishes. They come in a wide variety of varieties, making them simply worth growing in the garden. This is how you can turn the harvest into an excellent test meal.
potato varieties
Varieties from A to C
The potato variety Ackersegen has been bred since 1929. Their shell is ocher yellow and they have flat eyes. The flesh is yellow.
- Maturity group: late
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: very good
Tip: The easy-care and storable variety Ackersegen is ideal for the hobby gardener.

The popular Adretta originally comes from the GDR. The potatoes are floury, round and oval and grow evenly. The flesh is yellow and may have eyes.
- Maturity group: mid-early to late
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good
The potato variety Afra was approved in Germany in 1990. The potato is oval to round with yellow to very yellow flesh.
- Maturity group: late
- Size: 35 to 65 millimeters
- Harvest: average to very good
Tip: The easy-care Afra also thrives in hot and dry years.
Agria is a popular potato variety that produces large, round-oval potatoes. The flesh of the potato is very yellow.
- Maturity group: very late
- Size: 45 to 65 millimeters
- Harvest: very good
Tip: Although Agria is one of the floury potatoes, it can also get a sticky consistency, depending on the weather, location and growing area.
Arran Victory
The Arran Victory originally comes from Scotland, where it has been cultivated since 1912. Their round, slightly misshapen potatoes have white flesh. Their skin is light purple.
- Maturity group: very late
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good
Tip: Arran Vicotry is one of the easy-care potato varieties.

Augusta is round to oval. Their flesh is light yellow to yellow in color. In some years the shell gets red eyes.
- Maturity group: mid-early
- average size: 35 to 65 mm
- Harvest: normal to good
Tip: Augusta is one of the potato varieties that can be stored well.
Belle de Moncrabeau
The Belle de Moncrabeau probably originally comes from France. The flesh of the round oval potatoes is white. The shell is bluish with deep eyes.
- Maturity group: unknown
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: not yet meaningful
The Bintje is one of the classic floury potato varieties. The Dutchwoman has been on the market since 1910. The Bintje's shell is yellow and has flat eyes. The potatoes have a yellow to very yellow flesh color.
- Maturity group: mid-early to late
- average size: 45 to 65 mm
- Harvest: good to very good (with good care)
Tip: In some growing areas, the Bintje can also become a little firmer.
Congo, also called Blue Swede, is one of the oldest potato varieties in the world and probably comes from South America. The flesh of the round to oval potatoes is purple-white marbled. The coloring remains even after cooking. Their shell is dark purple and they have flat eyes.
- Maturity group: medium to late
- average size: 35 to 65 mm
- Harvest: good
Tip: Congo is easy to care for and robust against diseases.

Varieties from F to H
The potato variety Finka was approved in Germany in 2001. The potatoes of this young variety are mealy, yellow to very yellow. Their shape is round oval.
- Maturity group: early
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: average to good
Tip: Although the Finka is one of the early potato varieties, it can be stored well.
With its approval in Germany in 2002, the Gala is one of the younger potato varieties. The potato is round oval and has yellow flesh.
- Maturity group: medium early
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good to very good
Tip: Gala only becomes really floury when it is perfectly ripe.
golden wonder
Golden Wonder comes from Scotland and needs good soil for lush growth. The potato is long oval and has yellow flesh.
- Maturity group: late to very late
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good
Tip: Golden Wonder is very robust and can be stored well.

Highland Burgundy Red
The Highland Burgundy Red variety, also known as Red Cardinal, originally comes from the Scottish Highlands and is one of the old potato varieties (1902). The flesh of the long, oval potatoes is red to red-white marbled and retains its color after cooking. The shell is red.
- Maturity group: medium to late
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: very good to very bad (depending on the year)
Varieties from L to O
In Germany, the Leyla potato variety was approved in 1988. The potato is floury, yellow-fleshed and has a regular shape.
- Maturity group: very early
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: normal
Tip: Compared to other floury potato varieties, the Leyla variety is classified as slightly floury.
The round, oval potatoes of the Lilly variety are deep yellow in color and grow in a regular tuber shape. Their smooth shell has flat eyes.
- Maturity group: early to mid-early
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: very good
Tip: Although Lilly is floury, it doesn't break down when cooked.
The round, oval potato of the Lucilla variety is yellow in colour. It grows in a regular tuber shape. The shell is slightly rough and has flat eyes.
- Maturity group: mid-early
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: very good
Tip: Among the mealy potato varieties, Lucilla is considered to be particularly mealy.
In Germany, the Margit potato variety was approved as early as 1983. The flesh is yellow, and the potato skin has medium-deep eyes.
- Maturity group: early to mid-early
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good
Tip: Margit can be stored well.

Mayan Queen
The yellow-fleshed potatoes of the Mayan Queen variety are oblong to oval in shape. It is originally from Peru (1565) and has a yellow skin.
- Maturity group: medium early
- average size: 20 to 55 mm
- Harvest: rather moderate
Mayan Trixie
Mayan Trixie was registered in Germany in 2010. The oblong to oval potato has an intense yellow colour. Their shell is yellow with blue eyes.
- Maturity group: medium to late
- Size: 20 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: depending on the year
Floury Mühlviertler
The old floury Mühlviertler potato variety comes from Austria. Their flesh is yellow and their skin is light yellow. The potato is round and has deep eyes.
- Maturity group: late
- average size: 50 to 150 mm
- Harvest: good (depending on the weather)
Potatoes of the Melody variety are round and oval and grow evenly. Their flesh is yellow.
- Maturity group: mid-early
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good
Tip: With the Melody you can achieve good harvest successes even in dry years.
Odenwald Blue
Odenwald Blue is an old German potato variety (1908) that is threatened with extinction. The flesh of the round, slightly misshapen potatoes is light yellow with a slight violet vein. The shell is blue-purple and has deep eyes.
- Maturity group: medium to late
- average size: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good

Varieties from P to S
The Peach Bloom probably comes from Scotland (1850). The potato is round oval and has yellow flesh. The peel is red and yellow.
- Maturity group: medium early
- Diameter: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good
Tip: The easy-care Peach Bloom is ideal for hobby gardeners. But be careful, it is very sensitive to frost.
One of the old German varieties is the Reichskanzler potato. It has white flesh, a slightly pink skin with a silvery sheen, and is oval in shape.
- Maturity group: very late
- Diameter: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: low
The yellow-fleshed potatoes of the Rooster variety are oval. The skin of the potatoes, which come from Ireland, is rust-red and extremely rough.
- Maturity group: late
- Diameter: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good
Black Hungarian
The Black Hungarian has been known in Hungary since the end of the 18th century. It owes its name to its deep black skin. The flesh of the potato is white.
- Maturity group: medium early
- Diameter: 35 to 55 millimeters
- Harvest: good to very good
Tip: The Black Hungarian is a very robust potato variety.