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Known mainly as amaryllis, the hippeastrum is the ultimate Christmas flower. Its magnificent flowers make it a tasteful winter decoration. Their color spectrum ranges from fresh white to a delicate apricot and pink to a strong scarlet red. The petals of some varieties also impress with different colored drawings. If growing in soil seems boring, this magical plant can also be grown in a glass, as long as a few things are observed.

Cultivation in the glass

The Amaryllis is without a doubt the classic winter bloomer for the living room. Everything this plant needs is in its bulb. The thicker and sturdier this is, the more flower stalks can be expected. However, not every variety is suitable for cultivation in appropriate glasses.

Even before buying an onion, it should be clear whether you want to grow the knight star in the conventional way in a pot or in suitable glasses. For the latter should be best only short stemmed or. small-flowered varieties are used. Amaryllises that are no higher than 35-40 cm are perfectly suitable. With taller or large-flowered varieties, there is a risk that the glass will tip over.

Even if this bulb flower is mainly kept in soil, growing it in a suitable glass container also offers some advantages. On the one hand, you can practically watch it grow, even the roots that are otherwise hidden. On the other hand, there are numerous ways of arranging the amaryllis with different materials and decorative aids.

The stronger the amaryllis bulb, the more flower stalks you can expect.

The right glass shape

Anyone who is familiar with the knight star has certainly heard of amaryllis glasses or vases. They are perfectly suited to pushing or pulling bulbous plants, including the knight star. This is due to the special shape of these vessels.

  • Amaryllis glasses usually round
  • lower part is bulbous
  • narrow towards the middle
  • open upwards in a bowl-shaped manner, similar to an hourglass
  • high stem to prevent tipping over of flower stalks
  • on narrowed place the onion is placed
  • The special shape of the glasses is intended to protect the onion from moisture
  • if handled correctly, only roots come into contact with water

Such glasses are commercially available in clear or colored glass. For example, the color of the vase can be very well matched to that of the amaryllis blossom or combined with it, if you wish. In addition, the glasses can have different patterns, such as cuts, grooves, different structures, but also paintings.

However, these special glasses are usually expensive. Alternatively, you can of course also use glasses from your own stock to grow an amaryllis bulb, provided they are as similar in shape or proportions as possible. They should also be stable.

tip: If you want to use normal glasses to grow an amaryllis, you need additional materials to stabilize and protect the bulb from moisture. These can be e.g. small twigs, bamboo sticks or moss.

Pulling onions in a glass - instructions

The best time to grow or propel a knight star is from October to February in both soil and jars. Forward because the amaryllis not permanently in the glass can stand and must be planted in the ground at the end of the flowering period.

  • To propel or pull water into the bulbous part of the vessel
  • If necessary, fill the lower part with small pebbles beforehand
  • Water should be boiled and ideally free of limescale
  • some charcoal in the water can prevent rot
  • Apply fertilizer only in low doses
  • Thoroughly remove any soil residue from the roots of the onion before planting
  • Remove dried or dead roots beforehand
  • Insert the onion root-side down
  • Only root tips should come into contact with water
  • Onion must remain dry
  • wet onion quickly suffers from rot
  • Leave about 4-5 cm of air between the water and the onion

An alternative to water is planting in moss. The moss has the advantage that on the one hand it can store moisture well and on the other hand it offers the possibility for additional decoration, for example with small stones, berries, fabrics, wood or Christmas decorations such as balls, stars, cinnamon sticks, small figures and much more. Naked, gnarled branches as accessories can also underline the attractiveness of the amaryllis flower.

Knight stars arranged on moss in a glass should not be poured directly, but only the moss should be moistened a little every one or two days. The whole thing should then get a warm and bright, preferably sunny place in the apartment. During flowering, the Ritterstern would like to be a little cooler, which can extend the flowering time a little. If possible, avoid direct sun during flowering, as this would cause the knight star to fade faster.

Tip:Gloves should always be worn when handling this onion plant, as it is highly poisonous. Both flowers and leaves are poisonous, especially the bulb.


Caring for amaryllis in glass jars

The top priority when caring for the Amaryllis is the Protection of the bulb from moisture or rot. Consequently, it is important to ensure that the onion is never damp or even wet. But it shouldn't dry out either. To prevent this, the water level must be checked regularly and refilled with water if necessary. The water requirement increases as the roots begin to grow and again as the flower stalks and leaves grow.

The water level should always remain approximately the same. In addition, the water should always be clear. At the first sign of cloudiness, it must be replaced to avoid rotting. To prevent cloudiness from occurring in the first place, it is advisable to generally empty the water two to three days exchange.

There are usually two to three large flowers on one flower stalk. As soon as the first flower has dried up, you should remove it. The stalk remains untouched until it, too, has yellowed and withered.

After flowering in the ground

A permanent cultivation of the amaryllis in the glass is not possible and not recommended. When all the flowers and stems have faded, the summer growth phase begins, the bulb must now be taken out of the jar and put into a pot soil to be planted. The substrate used should be well drained.

  • Place the onion at most half, preferably a third, in the ground
  • If possible, do not bend or crush roots when inserting
  • Water and fertilize amaryllis normally for at least two months
  • Administer irrigation water exclusively via the coaster
  • Or place in a coaster filled with water twice a week
  • When no more water is absorbed, remove excess water
  • From about July onwards, reduce the amount and frequency of watering
  • Stop watering completely from September
  • Stop fertilizing as early as August
A permanent cultivation of the amaryllis in the glass is not possible.

Now the plant goes into the rest period about, the leaves are gradually withered, and as soon as they are completely withered, cut off. During the six-week dormant period, the bulb is placed in a cool, dark, dry place with temperatures around 15°C before it can be flowered again in a jar or pot. As a rule, after planting pass about six to eight weeks until the next bloom.

Beautiful varieties for growing in glasses

  • Hippeastrum 'Papilion'

One of the most beautiful small-flowered varieties with green-white, dark-red striped and spotted flowers. The growth height is 35-40 cm.

Hippeastrum 'Papilion'
  • Hippeastrum 'Chico'

A short-stemmed cultivar, 30-40 cm tall, with thin and very delicate red-green striped petals.

Hippeastrum 'Chico'
  • Hippeastrum 'Evergreen'

The very exotic-looking flowers of the 'Evergreen' variety are particularly graceful with an unusual yellow-green colour. It reaches a height of about 40 cm.

Hippeastrum 'Evergreen'
  • Hippeastrum 'Double White'

This short-stemmed amaryllis impresses with its magnificent, double, snow-white flowers and a growth height of 35-40 cm.

Hippeastrum 'Double White'
  • Hippeastrum 'Tres Chic'

The flowers of this colorful variety are spectacular with a deep red edge, a snow-white center and a delicate green heart. It grows between 30 and 40 cm in height.

Amaryllis Hippeastrum 'Tres Chic'

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