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Enjoying a refreshing lemonade outdoors undisturbed in midsummer? Inconceivably. It takes less than 30 seconds for the first wasps to buzz in, attracted by the sweet scent. The uninvited company is not only annoying, but also carries a high risk. If the animals are swallowed, there is even a risk of suffocation due to bites in the throat area. Before the helpless struggling increases the wasps' aggressiveness, it is worth trying to scare them off with tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil against wasps

Tea tree oil has been known to the indigenous people of Australia for a long time because of its effective and versatile uses. For some time now, Europeans have also come to know and appreciate the home remedy. When used against wasps, however, it is important to use the appropriate essence. In order for the effect to occur, the oil must be natural. This property is reflected in the following features:

  • fresh, spicy scent
  • clear liquid
  • slightly yellowish tint

The price is also an important indicator. High-quality oil costs at least five euros. Any offerings below this cost point are likely to be synthetically manufactured and will not provide the desired benefit.

tip: Tea tree oil is available in pharmacies and well-stocked drugstores.


The intense smell of the tea tree oil does not kill the wasps, but only drives the insects away. Other types of insects, such as mosquitoes, also shy away from the aroma. However, there is no danger to the environment or to humans.


  • Apply to the skin
  • spray objects
  • In a fragrance lamp
Paper wasp, Polistinae

On the skin

A droplet behind the ear or on the ulna is enough and the person wears reliable wasp protection on their body. Although the liquid is one of the few essential oils that are suitable for use undiluted, it is recommended because of the very intense smell economical dosage. It can also cause irritation on sensitive skin. A compatibility test in advance protects against unwanted skin irritation. People who are allergic to the oil do not have to do without the home remedy. Diluted with a little water, it is immediately compatible.

tip: Tea tree oil is not only effective against wasps, but also relieves the pain in an emergency if the insects bite anyway.

spray objects

If you have sensitive skin, it is more advisable to spray objects or clothing with the oil. The effect remains the same. To do this, the user mixes a few drops of the essence with water and fills the solution into a spray bottle. In this form it is also possible to spray the fragrance in an enclosed space. In the bedroom, for example, this can allow for a more restful sleep. However, direct spraying of wasps is prohibited. On the one hand, this would fall under animal cruelty, on the other hand, it would only increase the aggressiveness of the insects.

danger: On furniture, a high concentration of tea tree oil can quickly cause unsightly stains. Diluting with water beforehand protects against this mishap.

aroma lamp

If you have pets, it is better to spread the scent with an aroma lamp. In the worst case, the ingestion of the oil can lead to death in animals. Sprayed objects must therefore always be out of reach of the four-legged friends.

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