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There is nothing nicer in summer than drinking coffee in the garden or having a barbecue with friends and acquaintances in the evening. It won't be long before more blackheads will appear. Wasps are very active during the summer. Their stings are uncomfortable and painful, but they can be life-threatening for allergy sufferers. Wasps can be tackled with various home remedies, including vinegar. More on how it works below.

drive away wasps

Wasps are normally a peaceful people. They only sting when they feel threatened. They can become particularly aggressive after consuming honey and jam or through incorrect human behavior. Then the risk of a wasp sting is high. People with an allergy can quickly have problems.

As a rule, only two out of eight native wasp species become annoying, the German wasp and the common wasp. They live in large colonies underground or in a nest in the rafters. Before you think about driving them away or even killing them, it should be remembered that wasps are also useful. she

  • pollinate plants
  • are food for birds
  • eat mosquitoes, spiders, flies, larvae of beetles and carrion
  • are the health police among insects
  • so help with pest control
  • are therefore important regulators in the ecosystem
  • are partly under species protection

notice: According to § 39 number 1 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) it is forbidden to willfully disturb wild animals (including wasps), to catch, injure or kill them without good reason. Fines can be imposed, for protected species up to 65,000 euros.

Vinegar against wasps

However, a reasonable reason to drive away wasps already exists if they bother people. With the help of various home remedies, the black and yellow flying insects can be tackled quickly. Animals have a sensitive olfactory system. One should take advantage of this peculiarity during the expulsion. Wasps are sensitive to frankincense, lemon spiked with cloves, lavender, basil and garlic.

In addition, animal-friendly wasp defense can also be achieved with overripe fruit, raw meat or a bowl of sugar water and vinegar. Vinegar or the smell of vinegar doesn't drive the little flyers away, but they are magically attracted to it. Vinegar serves here rather than attractant for wasps.

Before using vinegar, the flight behavior of the insects should be carefully observed. After that, the attractant can be set up at some distance, at least 10 meters from the terrace, but within the flight path. The wasps will retreat to this spot and the terrace will be free from the pests.

tip: Vinegar has proved very effective as a lure. Bees and bumblebees find this smell off-putting and avoid the mixture. The vinegar should make up a third of the liquid.

live trap

However, if all home remedies fail and the wasps continue to spread, a live wasp trap can help. It is a vessel specially prepared with attractants. This will attract and distract the wasps. The small flyers are only caught here and can be released again at a later point in time. Various substances can be used as bait substances, such as

  • sugar water
  • Beer/ fruit juice (apple, orange)
  • overripe grapes and natural
  • vinegar

Build wasp trap yourself

A wasp trap made from old PET bottles is a simple alternative to the commercially available traps. This requires:

  • an empty PET bottle without a cap
  • bait solution
  • Scissors or carpet knife

Such a wasp trap can be quickly set up in just a few simple steps. It doesn't even take a lot of skill to do it.

  • Cut off the top third of the bottle
  • place bait in the lower part
  • Insert the cut end upside down in the bottle like a funnel
  • Do not attach funnel
  • tapered entrance becomes a trap
  • Wasps don't come out well
  • can be released in remote place
  • easy cleaning
  • reusable

bait solution

For the live trap, a mixture with vinegar has proven to attract the wasps. The following is required to make the Bait Solution

  • a shot glass of vinegar
  • a pinch of salt and
  • 1 to 2 teaspoons of sugar
  • napkin or kitchen towel

All ingredients must be mixed well. A serviette, alternatively a kitchen towel, is then soaked with this liquid and placed in the lower part of the PET bottle. Leftovers from the shot glass can safely be distributed on the serviette. The only thing left to do is to close the trap, as described above.

Correct lineup

Of course, it is of little use if the live trap is in the immediate vicinity of the dining table. The following should be observed when setting up

  • at least 5 to 10 meters away from the dining table or terrace
  • Installation against the wind direction
  • Wasps are otherwise attracted to the smell of the food
  • ideally set up several wasp traps

If possible, the small planes should be released when it is already getting a little dark. The wasps are then a little calmer and do not react more aggressively. Only the funnel has to be slowly and carefully removed from the bottle.

tip: A live wasp trap is also suitable for setting up indoors if the black and yellow insects should have strayed into the house.

Why a live trap?

The trade offers different variations of wasp traps. However, the wasps here find an agonizing death by drowning. According to information from the Nature Conservation Union (NABU), it usually only hits weak animals, while the active and strong can sometimes escape. Furthermore, it should be considered

  • Wasps are useful
  • eat vermin
  • release of a pheromone when dying
  • thereby attracting other aggressive conspecifics

A good alternative here is to use a live trap, then humans and wasps can be happy.

However, there is no panacea for wasp defense. Good information, precautions and proper behavior can make living with wasps peaceful. It should always remain calm and the wasps should not be unnecessarily irritated, for example by hitting them, spraying them with water or blowing them away. Wasps then feel just like humans, they can react irritably.

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