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Do you have a bee nest at home, in the roller shutter box or in the garden and are concerned about your safety or that of your children? Bees of different genera and species belong to the descendents of humans and like to nest in buildings or gardens because they can build and maintain their nest undisturbed here. Removing the nest is necessary in this case, when allergy sufferers, sensitive people or small children may be at risk.

Do bee nests need to be removed?

Before you think about removing the bee nest, you should think about whether it is even necessary. bees put on themselves no danger for humans when left alone. Bees only sting when they are unable to flee, for example when you accidentally lean on them or when you try to enter the nest. During the winter, the insects retreat to their winter quarters. This means you only have the bees in close proximity for a period of a few months. If you don't have allergy sufferers, small children or sensitive people with you, you can leave the people alone.

The right handling

The following tips will help when dealing with the animals:

  • Equip windows with fly screens
  • Use home remedies such as lavender oil, basil plants or frankincense to keep bees away from living spaces
  • never hit the animals or threaten the nest
  • do not walk barefoot in the grass as bees also look for food and pollen there
  • if Nest is not on or in the house, tape it off at a safe distance
  • Do not leave sweet food and drinks open
  • Explain to children not to get too close to the bees

Bees are pleasant companions and in many cases you can save money by considering a short stay with the insects. In many cases it is even more worthwhile to relocate the animals than to contact a professional for removal. You can also use home remedies to get rid of the insects gently expel. The bees then look for another possible dwelling, which you can easily make available to them.

tip: Be sure to check carefully whether the animals are wasps, hornets or bees, as each of the insects must be relocated or removed in a different way. Many people immediately relax when it comes to bees, as they generally have a better reputation than wasps or hornets.

Legal situation

Removing a bee nest is a delicate matter, especially in terms of the legal framework, since bees are particularly protected in Germany. Especially wild bees are under natural reserve. Wild bees are all bees that are not cared for by a beekeeper and in some cases are used commercially. However, honey bees are also under nature protection, but they will not nest in you because they are controlled by the beekeeper. Accordingly, the following violations are punishable:

  • capture bees
  • kill bees
  • Remove bee nest without permission
  • Disturb bees at will
  • damage nests

Bees are due to bee deaths protected because the natural balance depends on the insects. The penalty for any of the above offenses is a fairly high fine of between 50,000 and 60,000 euros. You will not receive a penalty if you remove the bee nest from a professional let take over. Note, however, that not every bee nest can be removed, especially if it is not in the immediate vicinity of humans. Even if the bees have occupied a tree in your garden, the nest may not be able to be removed. The decision lies with the specialist, who includes points such as allergy sufferers or proximity to small children in the analysis.

removal by the beekeeper

The best way to get rid of the bee nest is to have a local beekeeper relocate it. Bees are extremely important animals, so you should definitely refrain from destroying them with the exterminator. In many cases, this is only allowed with high fees. For the beekeeper, however, the costs of relocating a colony are kept within limits, especially when it comes to honey bees that have found a new home as a swarm. When hiring a beekeeper, you need to do the following:

1. Contact bee specialist

Inquire about that responsible beekeeping association your city or municipality. These have a register of bee specialists who are eligible for removal. Of course you can contact well-known beekeepers from whom you have bought honey before or who lives in your area.

2. costs

The reason for contacting a beekeeping association is to compare. Many beekeepers relocate the insects for free as it has a positive impact on the environment, which in turn increases the production of the beekeeper's honey bees. Of course, there are many beekeepers who will charge a relocation fee, but the cost is much lower compared to removing a wasp nest. On average, these amount to 50 euros.

3. Clean location

Since beekeepers remove the bees along with the nest, all you have to do afterwards is determine the location of the nest to clean. This will prevent other bees from nesting on you as they will be attracted to the smell.

4. Analyze bee species

The beekeeping association will also help you to analyze what type of bee it is or whether you are confusing the honey producers with wasps. The specialist will look at the animals and the nest and decide whether they are honey bees or wild bees and how best to move them.

The big advantage of hiring a beekeeper is the expertise, which saves you additional costs. An exterminator is not recommended for this task and may even result in a penalty if you do not notify the nest destruction in advance. If the bees are honey bees, they even help out the beekeepers, as they can integrate them into their stock as another colony. Wild bees are also relocated, even if they are solitary bees. Like all other bee species, these build nests that can be relocated. Home remedies work even better for wild bees.

tip: save yourself the call to the fire department regarding the furry collectors of Poland. The fire brigade is not allowed to dissolve the bee nests and is clearly the wrong contact person for this.

Relocating bees: instructions

Since a bee nest cannot simply be removed over the winter like a wasp, there are other ways for you to get rid of the nest. Relocating is an easy way to offer bees a better home than your roller shutter box. In addition, relocating is cheap in terms of costs and can easily be done by you carried out himself will. Your own resettlement is not associated with a penalty and can be implemented even more effectively together with a home remedy to drive away the bees. Note that this type of translocation only works with wild bees and not honey bees. Follow the instructions below to relocate the bee nest:

1. Location

Choose a location for the bee hotel that can be found in a sunny, wind-protected location. The best locations are west, south or east, which should be placed a little further from your house. Bees like it warm and windless when it comes to their housing. Swaying, wobbling or swinging dwellings are avoided. The more undisturbed the place is, the better.

2. suitable materials

There are three devices available for relocating:

  • layered interlocking tiles
  • hollowed stems
  • Nesting sticks made from dried deciduous trees

These materials make it easy to design bee hotels, since the animals can deposit their cocoons in the spaces between them. They can also close the holes themselves. When choosing the nesting wood, however, do not use coniferous wood, as this is too soft to work with and the bees do not like it.

3. Protection of birds

Also, make sure you have one bird protection. Blue plastic nets or braids made of wire with a mesh size of 3 x 3 centimeters are available for this purpose. Do not use green plastic nets, as these are deadly for birds and hedgehogs.
With these steps you can easily relocate the wild bees yourself and do not have to remove them through the help of a beekeeper.

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