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If dormouse have settled in the roof, it's more than annoying. Because the rodents, known in technical terms as Glis glis, are cute to look at, but they are also a burden due to damage, dirt and noise. However, since the roof provides shelter and proximity to feeding sources for dormouse, it is extremely popular as a shelter. In order to drive away the pests and prevent them from coming back, appropriate steps must be followed.

Recognize dormouse

Edible dormouse are about the size of a mouse, but look more like a squirrel. The coloring of the glis glis is mostly in shades of gray, the tail is bushy and long.
However, the crepuscular and nocturnal animals can only rarely be seen in the presence of humans. They are therefore more recognizable by the traces they produce. These include:

  • Running and gnawing noises, especially at night
  • urine and feces
  • Gnawing marks on the walls, insulation and cables
  • carcasses of prey animals
  • paw prints

Unfortunately, the animals cannot be clearly identified here, either by laypersons. Because mice, rats and martens also leave similar signs when they have settled in the attic.

Two possibilities are revealing. For one, camera shots. An inexpensive surveillance camera with night vision setting and motion detector can be used to record the dormouse in the roof and then take appropriate countermeasures.
On the other hand, live traps can be used, which are set up directly in the dormouse's accommodation and equipped with suitable bait. The use of live traps is particularly important as the glis glis do damage but are protected at the same time.

protection of species

The Federal Species Protection Act stipulates that dormouse may not be killed. Deadly traps and the spreading of poison are therefore forbidden and may not be used to scare away the animals.
Anyone who is unsure whether it is a dormouse should urgently refrain from such means and measures and, if necessary, call in an exterminator. Because even if the animals can be annoying, they are still threatened and only rarely occur in nature.

Drive away and vex

Since killing the small rodents is forbidden, they must be driven away and scared away. There are various options available for this, which can also be carried out by laypersons. These include, among others:

  • Sounds
  • vexed by odorants
  • live traps


Loud music or ultrasonic devices to drive away martens would be a wonderful and, above all, simple solution - but unfortunately they don't work in the long term. Ultrasonic noises and loud music can act as a deterrent at first, but it can happen that the animals get used to it.
At the latest when the music or the high-frequency beeping of the ultrasonic device stops, the animals will move back in very quickly. However, this does not mean that these measures cannot be used. However, they should be used in combination with other means and measures in order to be really effective.

Annoyed by odorants

So-called deterrents can be used to drive away the rodents. Various variants are available for this:

  • ready-mixed deterrents from specialist shops
  • Urine, feces and fur from cats and dogs
  • Fox and bear urine from the trade

However, the problem with urine, faeces and fur from pets or foxes and bears is that these agents are also odor-intensive. Ready-mixed deterrents from specialist shops are often vegetable and therefore less odor-intensive, harmless to humans and animals, but still effective.

A potential disadvantage, however, is that the deterrents must be discharged in powder form. The funds must therefore be distributed as widely as possible and then removed again. However, once the deterrents have been removed, the dormouse can spread back into the roof. This is also only a short- to medium-term solution. However, it can be used in conjunction with other means and measures.

live traps

Live traps are a good way to get rid of the dormouse infestation. You only have to be equipped with the right bait. In addition, you have to be patient, because the animals will be suspicious of every new object in their environment and will not immediately fall into the trap.
However, capture can be accelerated if the right attractants are used. Possible are for example:

  • finely chopped apple, preferably of a sweet, juicy variety
  • peanut butter
  • raisins
  • oatmeal
  • rodent food

Breakfast cereals and other fruits, dried worms and other dried fruits are also good bait. Mixtures of the various attractants can also be useful. For example, peanut butter can be used as a base and enriched with dried fruit, oatmeal or rodent feed.
First place the bait prepared in this way around the live trap to make the cage “tasty” so to speak. If the bait disappears, you can move it closer and closer to the trap. In the last step, place the bait in the trap so that the animals can be caught.

Once the dormouse has been caught, you should under no circumstances release the animals directly in front of the front door, in your own garden or only a few kilometers away from your own home. Because the animals have an extremely good sense of direction and therefore quickly find their way back to their ancestral homeland. Even at distances of five to 20 kilometers, a return is not impossible. It is therefore better to choose other routes. For example, forests with access to water and food are ideal.

notice: When capturing dormouse, be careful not to leave any young behind. A thorough search of the attic or the involvement of an exterminator are therefore useful. Because if the parents are caught, the young would die in agony.


A comparatively simple but at the same time expensive way to drive the dormouse out of the attic is to hire an exterminator. Deterrents or live traps are used by this. However, since catching the animals takes a lot of time, the costs are usually correspondingly high.
Nevertheless, it can make sense to seek the help of an exterminator or at least seek advice from him. This can also provide information, for example, on where and how the edible dormouse got into the roof. This knowledge, in turn, is important to prevent re-infestation.

prevent infestation

Preventing an infestation is only possible if potential weak points and holes are eliminated. To do this, the roof must be carefully inspected and examined. You have to seal larger sections between components as well as gnawed holes. It makes sense to use a stable material that can withstand the sharp teeth of rodents - for example metal plates.
If an infestation has occurred, the attic must be checked and cleaned anyway after catching or frightening it away. On this occasion you can also look for the holes and other possible entrances. If an exterminator was called in, he will be able to point this out.

Distribution by combination

A comparatively safe way to rid the attic of the dormouse is the combination of different expulsion methods and measures. For example, the following steps are useful:

  1. Play loud music. If the animals have not yet established themselves and have perhaps even given birth to young, they may still allow themselves to be driven away.
  2. Leave the light on. Like loud music, a brightly lit attic is unattractive to dormouse. Being crepuscular and nocturnal, they would move on rather than choose a bright and noisy area. It is ideal if, above all, otherwise dark corners and niches are illuminated.
  3. If new traces of the animals are still found, a precise check should be carried out. Holes and other entrances should be closed and sealed.
  4. Applying a deterrent can also scare the animals away. If no new tracks appear, you should check everything again for possible entry points and remove the deterrent.

The advantage of driving them away is that the animals do not have to be caught with a lot of patience and then released far away. The disadvantage of this is that they could move back into the roof truss when the deterrent means are gone and weak points are still found. It is therefore crucial to really find and eliminate all holes.

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