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Itching powder - who does not know it. It is one of the funniest and most classic pranks that can be played on another person and is also usually harmless. Of course, care must be taken to ensure that the "victim" does not have an allergy to the agents used. If this is not the case, the components of different plants can be used to make the itching powder. If you want to make itching powder yourself, you can find out how here.

itching powder

Itching powder is a popular joke item. You can easily make the powder yourself from plants. But be careful with allergy sufferers!

Caution - allergy sufferers

An important warning first: If you are allergic to the chosen plants, the harmless prank can turn into a dangerous situation. Before a prank is carried out with itching powders, one should therefore inconspicuously ask about any existing sensitivities and allergies.

If allergy sufferers do not yet know that they are allergic to certain types of plants, immense reactions can still occur. Among other things, the following are possible:

  • redness
  • swelling
  • skin rash
  • persistent itching
  • scratching
  • weeping spots
  • inflammation
  • shortness of breath

Before using the itching powder, it should therefore be ensured that the agents are not incompatible. If symptoms still occur, a doctor must be consulted. Because in severe cases, the allergic reactions can threat to health and life mean. This applies not only to the victim of the prank, but also to whoever makes the itching powder.

Under no circumstances should you use the itch-triggering powder on people who suffer from the following diseases or conditions:

  • Skin diseases such as neurodermatitis
  • wounds
  • Diseases of the respiratory tract, such as asthma but also infections
  • metabolic disorders
  • hepatitis

Smaller children should also be spared so as not to cause skin irritation.

Make itching powder yourself

Various types of plants and other means can be used as a basis for the itching powder. For example:

  • rose hip
  • cookie crumbs
  • pepper
  • Maple seed pods

In general, you should refrain from annoying sick or disabled people with such a prank.

rose hip

Rose hips are a classic among the itching powders. The fine hairs of the seeds have barbs. As a result, the itching is particularly intense and also lasts for a long time. In order to make a "powder" from the fruits of the rose family, the following accessories are required:

  • rosehips
  • latex gloves
  • a sharp, pointed knife
  • teaspoon
  • key
  • a bag

The fruit of various rose plants is called rosehip. The small, slightly oval and red fruits contain seeds, which are also known as "nutlets". On and between the nuts are the fine hairs that can be used to trigger itching. To win them you can do the following:

  1. Harvest the ripe rose hips in late summer. They can be found on tea or climbing roses, among other things.
  2. Cut open the rose fruit with the knife. Experience has shown that it is more practical to cut the fruit vertically from top to bottom. This makes it easier to remove the nuts.
  3. With a teaspoon you can scrape out the seeds from the halves and put them in a bowl or bowl, in a glass or on a plate. It is only important that the container is open and moisture can escape easily.
  4. Bring the jar with the nuts to a warm, dry place. For example, it is good to place it directly on a heater. Here the seeds and hairs can dry well.
  5. After about a day or two, the nuts and hairs have dried so far that you can pack them individually in smaller doses. Small plastic or paper bags, for example, are ideal. It is best to wear gloves when distributing and packing to avoid direct skin contact with the hairs.
Sliced rosehip with seeds and stinging hairs

When dried, you can use the nuts directly for pranks. They can be used in small bags but also shaken and thus separated from the hairs. The use of the bare hair is much more inconspicuous - but also more difficult. However, even a very small amount is enough to cause itching.

cookie crumbs

Strictly speaking, cookie crumbs are not a purely herbal remedy for triggering itching. However, they are a wonderful alternative if you have a rose allergy or an illness. The preparation and use are very simple.

  1. Place biscuit in a plastic bag
  2. The biscuit is broken into smaller pieces. Either by rolling a rolling pin over it, or by banging the bag on the worktop multiple times. It can also be crushed with a spoon or by hand.
  3. Crumbs should be as fine as possible, like breadcrumbs or breadcrumbs

caution: If you put the biscuit crumbs in bed, directly on the skin or in clothes, they can attract insects, especially in the warm season. Thorough removal after the prank is therefore very important.


Pepper can also be used to make the powder to trigger an itch yourself. As with biscuits, making them is extremely easy. All you need is peppercorns, a mortar and pestle, or an adjustable spice grinder.

The pepper is ground into coarse pieces either in the mortar or in the grinder. The ground peppercorns can cause an itch on the back of the neck. The advantage of this remedy is that pepper is already available in many households. So you don't have to collect anything. Crushing and use is also extremely easy.

black peppercorns

Maple seed pods

Another herbal itching powder can be made from maple seed pods. These are also known as maple noses. In the fall you can collect them and then represent the basis for the itch. When preparing, proceed as follows:

  1. Collect maple seed pods. Since the itch-triggering substance is only present in small amounts on the pods, you should collect several dozen of them. In order not to come into contact with it yourself, latex gloves help.
  2. Rub two maple seeds together over a sheet of paper or bowl. The fibers that cause itching rub off and fall onto the pad.
  3. You can now transfer the fibers directly from the bowl or from the sheet of paper into a bag or use them.


Anyone who wants to play a trick on someone else has found a great and mostly harmless solution in herbal itching powder. But when the prank is over, you need appropriate antidotes.
The easiest option is to change clothes and take a shower. You should wash the clothes thoroughly and ideally dry them in a dryer. This allows the plant fibers to be removed from the textiles and no longer causes itching. Showering also rinses the fibers off the skin. Afterwards you can use a body lotion to relieve the skin irritation. Other useful remedies and measures to relieve the itching include:

  • eucalyptus
  • glycerin
  • Fighter
  • cool affected areas
  • almond oil
  • menthol
  • Talc, such as baby powder
  • zinc oxide ointment

notice: Caution should also be exercised with the antidotes. Because not everyone tolerates menthol, for example. Therefore, you should first change your clothes and take a shower. It only makes sense to use soothing preparations if this does not bring any relief.

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