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Squirrels are becoming more and more trusting. In domestic gardens, the cute rodents with the bushy tail are no longer a rarity. Young and old still enjoy watching the agile climbing artists. When the gardener deliberately lures them into the garden, people and animals benefit equally, because the habitat of the squirrel is shrinking more and more. The animals are very grateful for food offers or a safe shelter. This guide provides the best tips for attracting squirrels.

The habitat

Sciurus vulgaris usually lives in parks or in forests. However, the development of housing estates is increasingly decimating this natural habitat. Accordingly, the rodents have no other option than to colonize tall trees in private gardens. They build their nests, also called roosts, as high as possible to protect them from enemies. Typically, an animal has, in addition to its main den, in which it sleeps, up to eight other nests that serve as alternatives or places to store food.

Notice: On a property that is close to a forest, the chances of attracting Sciurus vulgaris are higher than in the city.

Choose a safe location

If you want to lure the cute animals into the garden, you first have to ensure their safety. The gardener should attach a finished shelter at a sufficient height to make access difficult for cats and martens. He should cover open water points such as rain barrels with a net or a lid. Otherwise, while drinking, the animals risk falling into the barrel and drowning. Pesticides or blue grain fertilizers are also toxic to fur-bearing animals.

attract squirrels

There are a handful of ways to make the garden attractive to small rodents.

nest boxes

Although it may surprise some gardeners, it is not uncommon to see a squirrel in a nest box. However, so that the animals do not rob the birds of the breeding ground, the gardener can build his own squirrel nest:

  • use untreated softwood such as pine, beech or maple
  • Impregnate wood with weatherproof glaze
  • a thickness of 1.5 cm is ideal (use a jigsaw)
  • the base is around 26 x 26 cm
  • the roof should surpass the floor slab
  • the height corresponds to 30 cm
  • Drill holes with a 7 cm diameter (use compass)
  • Round off cut edges
  • especially important: two exits
  • one of them faces down and is close to the main stem
  • at will with straw, moss, thin branches. Lay out hay or dry leaves
  • Attach Kobel to a tree at a height of 5 m

offer food

The nimble animals are constantly looking for food. They consume up to 80 g of food a day. The omnivores are not choosy. Still, they prefer nuts and seeds. But they also gratefully accept fresh fruit, berries, tree bark, twigs or buds. In summer, melon is a refreshing change that immediately provides the animals with water. Moldy foods such as leftover bread, on the other hand, are not suitable as feed. Consuming it could lead to severe diarrhea.

Whoever offers nuts should also consider the young animals. Their teeth are only weakly developed, so they are dependent on cracked nuts. The commercially available squirrel food often does not meet the preferences of the animals at all. It is better to put together the food supply yourself. If you don't want to invest any money, simply dry the corn on the cob and place the individual grains in the feeding bowl. In addition, the following are suitable:

  • sunflower seeds
  • pumpkin seeds
  • hazelnuts
  • walnuts
  • cucumber
  • raisins
  • apples (bite-sized pieces)
  • pear
  • carrots (bite-sized pieces)

Notice: Squirrels are also nest robbers. Occasionally they help themselves to the clutches or young of native birds. When settling, the gardener should therefore also think about bird protection.

planting trees

Another way to attract squirrels is to have a semi-natural garden that will automatically provide food. Planting fruit-bearing trees is even better than offering loose fodder, according to experts. Useful plants are:

  • chestnut trees
  • hazel bushes
  • apple trees
  • strawberries
  • Book
  • oak trees

Note: Sciurus vulgaris buries its food stores underground. It is not uncommon for the tree fruits to seed themselves and soon appear as young shoots on the surface of the earth. Thus, squirrels make an important contribution to the survival of forests. In the middle of the lawn, however, this behavior can lead to annoyance.


In addition, the trade also offers special automatic feeders that only allow squirrels access. However, experts advise only setting them up in winter, when the animals can hardly find any food. If more than two animals regularly visit the garden, the gardener should hang up two of these automatons to avoid food envy.

Notice: In addition to solid food, a water source is also important. This should be available to the rodents all year round.

imitate squirrel sounds

If the method is not quite as promising as the tips above, the squirrel caller should also be mentioned. The utensil has a wooden or metal end and a rubber end. With the latter, the gardener taps his palm. The resulting sounds are reminiscent of the call of a squirrel. Alternatively, rubbing two screws together produces similar tones. Squirrel callers cost between 10 and 30 euros in specialist shops.

What else does the gardener have to consider?

Although squirrels tend to become more trusting over time, the gardener should never entice them by hand-feeding them. On the one hand, the animals can transmit the dangerous Hanta virus. On the other hand, they lose their natural instinct to flee and are no longer prepared for dangers in the great outdoors.

Sciurus vulgaris has young twice a year. At the end of January and the end of August it is therefore very likely to find a sick or weak young animal. The gardener should first warm it up. It should be left to the vet for precise treatment. There are special sanctuaries for animals in need.

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