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The marigold, also known as marigold, is one of the most popular perennials in the garden bed and also fills the balcony with colour. In addition to its appearance, the flower has other properties worth mentioning, such as protection against snails or the improvement of soil conditions. It is therefore definitely worth propagating them by seed. Luckily, planting out is easy. In any case, the marigold flower looks most beautiful when it appears in a lush sea of flowers.

Obtaining the Seeds

Anyone who does not yet own a marigold can obtain the seeds from specialist retailers. Otherwise, the gardener harvests the seed after it has withered in the fall. It is found in small tubes that become clearly visible after the marigolds have faded. The gardener carefully removes the seed heads with tweezers and stores them in a paper bag until the appropriate time for planting in spring.

Notice: In order to be able to sow seeds of marigolds again in the following year, it is important not to completely remove the withered flowers in late summer.

time of sowing

Unfortunately, the perennials are very sensitive to cold, which is why direct sowing outdoors is only recommended in mild regions. Here, too, the gardener should first wait for the night frosts to subside after the ice saints. Cultivation on the windowsill, which is possible as early as March, is better. Since it is a relatively undemanding plant, even beginners can grow it.

The right substrate

The marigolds need nutrient-poor soil. For example, unfertilized coconut fibers or special growing soil from specialist retailers are suitable.

Notice: Conventional potting soil provides the young shoots with too many nutrients. Thus, the marigold grows unnaturally fast. There is an imbalance between the stem and flower, causing the plants to buckle as they grow taller.

Procedure for sowing

  • Fill the substrate into the growing pots
  • Press the soil lightly
  • Scatter seeds on the surface
  • the marigolds need light to germinate, so cover them with little or no soil
  • dust gently with moisture (spray bottle) so as not to wash away the seeds
  • put a clear plastic bag over the pot
  • Ventilate for several hours a day to prevent mold
  • Water the substrate regularly
  • after a week or two the first shoots will appear

Proceed further

After sowing, the young shoots do well in a bright, but not full sun location. A window sill is ideal. The optimal temperature for germination is 18°C to 20°C. If two or three pairs of leaves have formed, it is necessary to prick out the young plants. Since the gardener initially sows the marigolds in small groups, the roots compete for space in the seed pot as they grow. When pricking out, the gardener proceeds as follows:

  • prepare seed pots again
  • use potting soil mixed with sand
  • Slightly moisten the substrate
  • dig small holes in the ground with a prick
  • Carefully free the shoots from the ground with the pricking stick
  • put in the new flower pots
  • Press the substrate carefully
  • moisten with spray bottle

Notice: Before planting out, it is advisable to get the young plants used to the fresh air and the sun. To do this, the gardener places them in a bright place on the terrace during the day. But at night he has to bring the pots back into the house.

Plant out marigold

If no more night frosts are to be expected, the gardener can put his home-grown marigolds outdoors. After the germination and growth phase, the marigolds now tolerate full sun. This is where they feel most comfortable, even if they tolerate partially shaded locations.

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