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Hibiscus are often attacked by aphids and in the worst case they can even die. Fortunately, the pests can be combated very effectively - even biologically! In this article, we will tell you which methods have proven successful for getting rid of aphids - this is how you get rid of the lice on the hibiscus!

detect infestation

Aphids are small animals about two millimeters in size that can be seen with the naked eye. However, it is not always the pests themselves that make themselves apparent, but rather their excretions. Because aphids leave a secretion on the plants called honeydew. This settles on the leaf surfaces like a sticky, silvery layer and not only attracts ants, but also offers the ideal breeding ground for a wide variety of fungi, which could also damage the hibiscus. Aphids themselves also damage the plant by sucking out the valuable plant sap and ensuring that the flowers dry up. It is therefore advisable to always keep an eye out for the typical characteristics of an aphid infestation:

  • honeydew on leaves
  • increased, small white membranes on the plant
  • dried flowers
  • crippled leaves
  • occurrence of fungi

Get rid of lice on hibiscus

Although an aphid infestation can cause considerable damage to the plant, the pests can usually be combated very effectively. However, you do not have to resort to chemicals immediately for this, because numerous biological control agents have also proven themselves against the lice. You can find an overview of the various control methods here:

washing up

On the one hand, lice can simply be picked up and disposed of with your fingers, but they can also be rinsed off. Washing the plant has proven itself as a first-aid measure, as many lice can be removed with one hit. In the garden, the plants can simply be hosed down with the garden hose. For potted plants, rinsing off in the bath or shower has proven useful.

nettle brew

Many hobby gardeners know that nettle stock is a true all-rounder in the garden. It not only provides the plants with valuable nutrients, but also helps to get rid of aphids. The best way to prepare the popular home remedy and use it in the fight against lice is as follows:

  • Mix chopped nettles with water
  • in the ratio of 1:9
  • Leave the brew in a closed container for at least 3 days
  • Strain the mixture and place in a spray bottle
  • Spray the plant with it
nettle manure


Garlic is not only good in a wide variety of dishes, but is also excellent for combating lice. Because the pests do not tolerate the oils contained in garlic. In the case of a light infestation, a toe is peeled off and then stuck halfway into the ground. It is important that the clove of garlic is close to the stem of the plant. Alternatively, the leaves of young garlic can be attached around the affected plant stem. In the case of a severe infestation, however, it is advisable to spray the hibiscus with a garlic broth:

  • Peel and dice 3 garlic cloves
  • place in sealable container
  • Add 1 liter of water
  • Let the brew steep for about 2 weeks
  • Pour the mixture into a spray bottle
  • Spray the plant with it


Neem preparations have proven to be a popular means of combating a wide variety of pests - even getting rid of lice is no problem! It is practical here that the preparations usually have an effect of around three weeks and protect the hibiscus from renewed infestation during this time. However, the effect is slower, which is why repeated use is also recommended.


In almost every household there is an effective means of combating lice, namely milk. The lactic acid it contains attacks the pests and ultimately kills them. However, milk should not be sprayed undiluted on the plant, but previously mixed with water in a ratio of 1:2.


Getting rid of aphids also works with oregano, or rather, with an oregano brew. In contrast to the garlic brew, this mixture only needs to steep for around 20 minutes and can be used immediately afterwards as follows:

  • 10 grams of oregano
  • 1 liter of boiling water
  • Let the mixture steep for about 20 minutes
  • let cool down
  • Sieve the broth
  • Dilute with water in a ratio of 1:3
  • put in spray bottle
  • spray on hibiscus

soft soap

A tried and tested household remedy is soapy water, which is sprayed on the plant. Under no circumstances should commercial soap or washing-up liquid be used here! Because these agents can contain substances that are harmful to the plant. It is better to use potash soap:

  • Mix potash soap with water
  • 1 tablespoon of potash soap per liter of water
  • Spray the plant with it
  • repeat several times

Black tea

If you like drinking tea, you may have a biological control agent against aphids at home. Because black tea contains tannins that are harmful to lice. If you want to get rid of lice with tea, the best way to do this is as follows:

  • Boil 2 tea bags in ½ liter of water
  • Leave to rest for ¼ hour
  • let cool down
  • then spray on hibiscus

Which home remedies do not help against aphids?

While many home remedies have proven effective in fighting aphids, there are some that are better not to be used. Among other things, this includes vinegar, because this can lead to leaf damage on the hibiscus. Hobby gardeners should also keep their distance from tobacco brew, although it could even be effective against aphids. However, tobacco brew contains the neurotoxin nicotine, which can be absorbed through the skin and lead to severe poisoning.

Natural enemies of aphids

In addition to a variety of home remedies, natural enemies in particular have proven useful to combat an aphid infestation. First and foremost, ladybugs should be mentioned here, because they prefer to eat lice and spider mites. These can simply be collected in the garden and then placed on the affected plant. Alternatively, many alternative beneficial insects are offered in specialist shops, such as:

  • parasitic wasp
  • lacewing
  • gall midges
  • Earwigs/Earcrawlers
ear crawls

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