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Hobby gardeners and ant experts join forces to relocate specially protected forest ants. This guide explains in a practical and comprehensible way how to resettle wood ants correctly in 5 steps.

In a nutshell

  • First step: Application to the nature conservation authority for an exemption under species protection law for the resettlement of wood ants
  • Second step: Choose a new location at least 300 meters away from the previous ant nest
  • Third step: plan an appointment for mid-March to late May (mid-July at the latest) during the early morning sun
  • Fourth step: relocate wood ants within one day, paying special attention to the queen with initial feeding at the new location
  • Fifth step: catch the remaining ants within a week and also move to the new nest

Wood ants are protected

Wood ants have been under protection for more than 200 years. In 2005, the provisions according to Section 44 of the Federal Nature Conservation Act (BNatSchG) were tightened again by including the various species of wood ants (Formica) in the category of specially protected animals. The legal provisions stipulate the following basic rules, among others:

  • it is forbidden to catch and kill wood ants, eggs, larvae and pupae
  • disturbing their nests, taking them from the wild, damaging or destroying them is prohibited
Source: Richard Bartz, Munich Makro Freak, A Formica rufa sideview, Edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 2.5

Violations of species protection regulations are punished with severe fines of up to 50,000 euros. Nevertheless, the legislator has an open ear for conflict situations. Wood ants sometimes make a choice of residence that is associated with unreasonable burdens for hobby gardeners. The Federal Nature Conservation Act shows understanding with exception regulations if a peaceful coexistence of humans and ants is not possible. Emergency and rescue resettlement of endangered wood ant colonies is permitted after important premises have been observed. These include an exemption from the upper or lower nature conservation authority and the involvement of a certified ant keeper. If the legal requirements are met, the change of location can be tackled. In the following sections, read how to resettle a forest ant colony in 5 steps.

Notice: The best time for relocating wood ant colonies is between mid-March and mid-July. From August to the end of October, the ants have too little time to build a new nest and eat up the fat reserves they need for the winter. In the resting phase from November to February, a change of location is out of the question.


Before applying for a special permit that allows you to relocate wood ants, the situation should be checked in this respect. This test can be carried out either by a certified expert or by a certified expert or the responsible nature conservation authority. The application itself does not require any special form. For an exemption under species protection law, the following information is required as a minimum:

  • Which insect species should be resettled?
  • Position of the nest on the property or on the house
  • Justification for the change of location
  • Suggested date for resettlement
  • Name and address of the ant keeper involved

However, no fees are charged for the application and approval process at the upper or lower nature conservation authority.

Determine new location

The new home location of the wood ant colony should meet these criteria for the queen and workers to feel comfortable:

  • at least 300 m away from the previous location
  • largely similar conditions as at the old site
  • largely free of other protected and rare insect species
  • adequate food sources
  • no wood storage areas or sheds in the immediate vicinity

Furthermore, the new location for the nest should be chosen in such a way that a knowledgeable ant keeper can take care of the aftercare.

plan an appointment

However, the choice of date for resettlement is of crucial importance for the successful completion of the project. The ant queen must be rescued unharmed, because without its queen the entire forest ant colony will inevitably die. Every year, queens can only be gently caught in or even on the nest mound when it is sunbathing. Depending on the weather, this is a sunny morning during the months of March/April to May/June. In this phase, most of the workers are also not in the ground, but in or on the nest mound. These framework conditions are ideal if you are relocating wood ants in an exemplary manner:

  • dry, frost-free weather
  • early hours, just after sunrise
  • important: rain-free, warm general weather conditions for at least 2 to 3 days for the purpose of rebuilding the nest mound

If you relocate a forest ant colony during the sun phase, you will benefit from another important advantage. All that needs to be salvaged is the loose nest mound material and, if necessary, part of the flat soil layer together with the workers. Outside the spring sun period, queens and workers are usually found in deeper soil layers. This harbors the great danger that the queen will be killed unintentionally during excavation work.

Practical implementation

Following the preparatory phase with application and appointment selection, you devote yourself to the practical implementation of the ambitious resettlement project with the support of the ant keeper. How to do it right:

Material requirements and tools

  • Wellington boots, long pants, long-sleeved top, ideally goggles
  • Shovel, spade, gravel fork
  • Saw or hatchet for tree roots
  • Breathable, escape-proof transport containers (e.g. bins with air-permeable lids, clean paper bags)

If you want to relocate ants gently and alive, large machines are taboo. Even an experienced excavator operator can never maneuver a shovel excavator or bale turner so sensitively that the crawlers that need protection survive the operation unscathed. In the worst case, the queen will get under the wheels and the entire project will fail.


No two forest ant resettlements are the same. Local framework conditions, nest size, nest condition and other criteria decide on the concrete procedure. Instead, the following aspects determine the successful completion of the work. Things to consider when relocating wood ants:

  • Focus on the queen and transport in a separate container
  • Ventilate the transport container with ants well (plastic gauze as a lid) and protect from direct sunlight
  • Wood ant colony preferably resettle in one day from the previous to the new location
  • important: start feeding at the new ant home
  • map new location

Fine-grain household sugar but also Apifonda bee feed dough are suitable as starter feeding. A ring is simply drawn around the relocated ant nest with sugar. The hard-working workers take care of putting the food in the nest.


A move is usually not enough. Workers remaining at the previous location immediately set about building a new nest. In the first week after the wood ants have relocated, the old location should therefore be checked in order to catch stragglers and return them to the bosom of the ant family.
As part of long-term aftercare, the ant keeper involved pays repeated visits to the moved nest. Aspects such as the food situation and acceptance of the new location are checked. In May or June of the following year, the expert checks whether reproduction in the nest is continuing. Carrying pupal cases around signals that one or more queens are actually inside and laying eggs.

frequently asked Questions

How do I find certified ant keepers for resettlement?

The Federal Association of German Ant Wardens (DASW) operates numerous state associations that publish their own association magazines at quarterly intervals. Planned resettlements are published in these magazines, whereupon ant hunters who have settled near the site will contact you. The editorial deadline is mid-December so that the rescue resettlement can appear in the first issue in good time. Alternatively, ask your responsible nature conservation authority about putting you in contact with the nearest ant expert.

Is it possible to relocate a wood ant nest outside of the forest?

Yes, that is possible. Wood ant colonies do not always stick to their names, but also live outside of forest areas. A prime example is the widespread meadow wood ant (Formica pratensis), which likes to build its large soil nests with the distinctive soil dome in densely overgrown meadows.

What does the resettlement of wood ants cost?

The German ant protection agency estimates an average of around 800 euros if you want to resettle a colony of wood ants. This includes 150 euros for preparatory work and travel expenses. The resettlement itself costs around 340 euros for 12 hours of work at 17.50 euros each plus travel expenses and starter food. For the important follow-up care in the last step of the resettlement, a total of 310 euros can be expected for 4 checks, each lasting 3 hours, as well as the corresponding travel expenses.

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