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As busy insect eaters, tits are welcome guests in the garden. Common species are the blue tit and the slightly larger great tit, which differ in various characteristics.

In a nutshell

  • both sedentary birds that remain in Germany during the winter
  • Cave breeders who also use their nests to sleep outside of the breeding season
  • clear differences in coloring
  • Blue tits blue hood, no black belly line, great tits black hood and black belly line
  • Great tits are also larger and more dominant than blue tits


The tit family (Paridae) includes around 50 different species, eight of which are native to Germany. Like the distantly related sparrows, tits belong to the passerine family (Passeriformes). Two species of tit are particularly common: the blue tit (Cyanistes caeruleus) and the great tit (Parus major). They differ in many ways, but also have some similarities:

blue tit
  • Resident birds stay in Germany for the winter
  • commonly found in gardens, parks and leafy residential areas/courtyards
  • feed on insects and seeds
  • Young are fed with insects and spiders
  • Cave breeders, breed in tree cavities, but also in other suitable cavities
  • Nests can also be found in cracks in walls, eaves, house walls, mailboxes, blind boxes, etc.
  • like to nest in specially hung nesting boxes
  • Nest is also used as a place to sleep in winter

Distinguish between blue and great tit

The hard-working tits are easy to observe, for example when raising their young or feeding them in winter. You can tell whether a great tit or a blue tit is nesting in your garden using the differences shown here.


At first glance, the two tit species look quite similar. However, if you take a closer look, you will see the differences characteristic of each species:

  • blue tit: blue cap on the head, wings and tail are also blue, yellow underparts, green back, white wing bars, white cheeks
  • great tit: black head with white cheeks, bright yellow underparts with broad black belly stripe
great tit


With a body length of up to 14 centimeters and a wingspan of between 23 and 25 centimetres, great tits are significantly larger than the more delicate blue tits. These are only up to 12 centimeters long and reach a wingspan between 18 and 20 centimeters.


While great tits are found in almost all tree habitats - from dense forests to inner cities - blue tits are primarily found in diverse forests, parks and gardens. In winter, the small birds also like to stay in the reeds, as they can use their beaks to hack out insects hidden in the reeds. Compared to blue tits, great tits are much more versatile and competitive, which is evident, for example, in the competition for suitable nesting sites or in the winter search for food. During the cold season, the two species like to roam in tandem with other songbird species such as goldcrests or treecreepers, with great tits always occupying a top position in the pecking order.

breeding season and nest

Both species breed several times between March and August, with the smaller blue tit managing up to three broods with up to a total of 14 eggs a year, while great tits only breed once or twice a year, laying between six and a maximum of 12 eggs. Other differences regarding the brood are:

Tits, Paridae
  • Breeding period: great tit 12 to 14 days, blue tit 13 to 15 days
  • Excursion of the young: great tits after 15 to 23 days, blue tits after 16 to 18 days
  • Look young great tits: Species-typical head coloring, yellow underside with a narrow white belly stripe
  • Look young blue tits: Species-typical head colour, but yellowish face, pale yellow underside

Notice: Please leave young birds sitting on branches or elsewhere where they are. They will be fed by parental leave for a longer period of time.

color of eggs

Tit eggs are tiny, analogous to the small size of their parents. If you are not sure which bird is breeding in your area, you can tell the species apart by the color of their eggs. Be very careful when looking and do not disturb the animals unnecessarily, so that the clutch does not become orphaned!

  • great tits: whitish coloration, reddish-brown dotted
  • blue tits: white eggs with red-brown markings

Tip: You can offer blue and great tits targeted nesting opportunities. If the blue tits, which are often disadvantaged, are to breed, the entrance holes of the nesting aids should not be more than 27 millimeters in diameter. Although the little tits also breed in nest boxes with larger entrance holes, they are often driven out of these by great tits or sparrows.

Blue tit eggs


Blue and great tits can also be distinguished by their sounds.

  • blue tits: Song consisting of long trills introduced with two to three high tones, clamoring (“zerrrrrr”)
  • great tits: many different, partly loud, partly purring calls, variable sound sequence (often "zi-zi-bah-zi-zi-bah")

frequently asked Questions

Which tit species are there in Germany?

In addition to the species mentioned, there are also the coal tit (mainly in coniferous forests or in gardens or parks with coniferous trees), the crested tit (also prefers coniferous trees, recognizable by the characteristic crest), the willow tit or marsh tit (almost only in forests similarly brownish). coloring with black hood), the long-tailed tit (builds spherical nests), the bearded tit (living sociable in reed beds) and the penduline tit (builds spherical nests).

Can great and blue tits have common offspring?

Since great and blue tits are taxonomically completely different species, they cannot have descendants from each other. So there are no crossings (hybrids) between the two varieties. Perhaps this assumption arises from a confusion with the coal tit, which has characteristics of both species.

What materials do tits need to build their nests?

The blue tit mainly uses moss intertwined with grass to build its nest, which it pads with feathers and animal hair. The great tit also likes to take pine and fir needles and pad it much more fleecy.

How should a nesting aid for tits be designed?

A commercially available wooden nesting aid is sufficient, which is best attached to a tree so that it swings freely - this reduces the risk of cats or other predators sneaking up there. The entrance hole should not be larger than 27 millimeters for blue tit, but at least 32 millimeters for great tit.

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