When mosquito larvae cavort in the pool, this is a very disgusting affair for most users. Suitable countermeasures must therefore be taken promptly in order to banish these vermin in the long term.

In a nutshell

  • Mosquito larvae mainly settle in standing water
  • Protect the pool from egg laying by regular cleaning and maintenance
  • Only use chemical products and household remedies in emergencies
  • Mechanical and technical countermeasures are more suitable
  • Tarpaulins, filter systems, landing nets and pool vacuums have proven their worth

mosquitoes & larvae

Mosquitoes are annoying insects that like to be around people. The females are looking for a victim to sting. The sucked blood is used for reproduction to produce eggs. Next, mosquitoes then lay the eggs, preferably in stagnant water such as a pool, from which swimming larvae then develop. Mosquito larvae need fresh water to grow and then pupate. After hatching, the insects populate the area around the watering hole and become a major nuisance on the terrace, balcony and in the garden. Therefore, measures and means to combat and prevent must be taken promptly.

domestic mosquitoes cause severe itching
  • Mosquito bites are very itchy and swollen
  • can be dangerous and cause allergies
  • weaken the immune system, transmit various diseases
  • Harmful bacteria enter the body
  • Possible infection with West Nile and Zika virus
  • Tropical diseases are now also widespread in Germany
  • Controlling mosquito larvae is extremely important

Notice: The life cycle of mosquitoes is extremely short, growing from egg to larva to adult in just two weeks.

Larvae in the pool

The pool in the home garden is often the only water point in an urban environment, so that it magically attracts mosquitoes during the breeding season. Especially during the hot summer months, without regular rainfall and with a lot of drought, the insects often have no other alternatives. Again and again, incorrect or lack of care of the pool leads to an infestation with mosquito larvae, which can be seen with the naked eye. In order to prevent further spread, the pests must be combated as early as the larval stage.

  • Larvae can have red, white, or black body color
  • slim build, many limbs and hardened head capsule
  • Body size varies between 2 to 10 mm
  • hang upside down below the water surface
  • draw air through a breathing tube on the abdomen
  • need intact surface tension for this
  • as a countermeasure, relieve this tension
  • no longer able to hold on to the water surface
  • Pests can no longer breathe and suffocate

means to combat

Most people find mosquito larvae repulsive and do not want to share their pool with them. There are both chemical and home remedies to combat the unwelcome insects, but these aren't just harmful to the animals. The health of users and the environment also suffer in the long term from the use of most products. The skin in particular becomes scaly and brittle as a result, and it also tends to develop painful cracks. Although you can get the pool water clean again quickly with this procedure, the water quality deteriorates as a result. Therefore, these methods are not recommended from a biological and health point of view.

  • Dishwashing liquid can be used against larvae
  • Surfactants break down surface tension and cell membranes
  • Chlorine-based products kill eggs and mosquito larvae
  • available in hardware stores and specialist shops for swimming pools
  • Larvicides in the form of briquettes, liquids, granules, pellets and tablets
  • in case of severe infestation, repeat the application several times

preventive measures

With the right care and cleaning, mosquitoes will not even lay their eggs in the pool. Therefore, preventive measures are extremely important to nip an infestation in the bud. For this reason, you should check the chlorine level and pH of the pool water every day. If these values deviate from the norm, countermeasures must be taken immediately to adjust them. In addition, cleaning tablets that do not contain chlorine and are therefore not harmful have proven their worth. Furthermore, there are both mechanical and technical methods to keep the water clean and free from bugs. In this way, the mosquitoes can be driven away in the long term.

  • Multifunctional tablets are suitable for small-sized pools
  • gently clean the pool water
  • prevent further development of the hatched mosquito larvae
  • also use nets daily for cleaning
  • removes small creatures as well as leaves and other dirt
  • Eliminate all mosquito larvae once a month with a pool vacuum
  • Device works with brushes and hoses
  • Depending on the model, also available with a landing net attachment

Tip: If no system is available for connecting the pool vacuum, pool robots operated with electricity or batteries are a solution.

cover pool

To prevent the mosquito larvae from hatching in the pool right from the start, you should always cover the entire pool surface when not in use. In this way, other insects in the water can also be prevented, since the stings of bees, hornets, bumblebees and wasps can also be painful and dangerous. In addition, the pool water stays cleaner for longer because no dirt particles can get in through the protective cover. The pool owner has different options to choose from, which can be adapted to the size of the pool.

  • use special foil for inflatable pools
  • a tarpaulin is ideal for large swimming pools
  • Solar panels heat water at the same time
  • as an alternative, install a permanently installed device
  • Plates made of plastic or models made of glass
  • available in hardware stores or specialist shops
  • just pull it on after swimming

Install filter system

If the pool is larger and permanently installed, you should definitely install an appropriate filter system. Otherwise, the water has to be changed frequently, as it is not only polluted by insects, but also by various particles. The pool water cannot be kept permanently clean with the use of chlorine alone. In this regard, an additional filter system removes all possible contamination. This circulation pump is used for water treatment and sucks in the water, after which it is passed through a filter. It is then cleaned and returned to the pool.

  • correct adjustment of the nozzles is important for effective filtering
  • thus sucking insects from the surface
  • properly connect to skimmer
  • Run the circulation pump for 3 to 4 hours daily
  • Timer very helpful
  • The system switches itself on and off automatically at the desired time
  • Clean the filter regularly and replace it if necessary

Frequently Asked Question

How to reduce mosquitoes near the pool?

In order to prevent mosquitoes from approaching the swimming pool, electric insect killers have proven their worth. Simply set up the devices near the pool. They attract flying mosquitoes with UV light and eliminate them with high voltage. There are no unpleasant odors.

How can the pool be made unattractive as a breeding ground for mosquitoes?

Since mosquito larvae can only survive in stagnant water, you should keep the pool water moving. A practical and distinctive solution are small fountains, waterfalls and other water features. The water moves constantly and the mosquitoes are prevented from laying their eggs.

How to check the right pool chemistry?

If the pool water is clean and has the right pH, mosquitoes will stay away. Therefore, you should test the pool water regularly, special test strips are suitable for this. With these strips, pool owners receive meaningful values regarding the condition of the water in a matter of seconds.

Which natural enemies reduce the mosquito plague?

Mosquitoes are a food source for many animals, including resident birds, bats and dragonflies. Swallows in particular exterminate countless mosquitoes every day. But the vermin can also be repelled by planting catnip, garlic, lavender and marigolds. Therefore, you should design the area around the pool in a natural way with these plants to attract natural predators.

How to deal with an unused swimming pool?

If the pool is not used temporarily or for a longer period, fish can settle in it, which feed on mosquito larvae. These include minnows, goldfish, golden orfe, mustache, roach and rudd.
