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An insect hotel attracts many flying beneficial insects into the garden. Wild bees, ladybugs and the like are very grateful for warm quarters. However, there are a few things to consider when setting up your insect hotel. The location is crucial.

In a nutshell

  • Insect hotel is a helpful measure in nature conservation
  • Location decides on the accommodation of, for example, earwigs, wild bees and ladybugs
  • Alignment of the insect hotel to the south is important
  • Set up/hang the insect hotel at a height of at least 50 cm
  • good food supply in the immediate vicinity is also necessary

attract insects

An insect hotel not only makes an active contribution to nature conservation, but also attracts useful insects into the garden. These can be helpful in pollinating plants and also in pest control. The accommodation offered is not only used by the hard-working helpers for wintering, but primarily as a nesting place. Set up correctly, then you can

  • lacewings
  • ladybug
  • catchy tunes
  • butterflies
  • wild bees

to be attracted. However, you have to pay attention to a few things when setting up an insect hotel, otherwise it can happen that no guests arrive.

Notice: When setting up an insect hotel, only natural materials such as straw, wood wool, pine cones, bamboo tubes, plant stalks and drilled logs should be used. Different filling materials also attract different insects.

Choose a sunny location

The location not only determines the value of real estate, it is also important for an insect hotel. Insects love warmth. They are then more active and heat is also necessary for the brood and later the development of the larvae. Therefore, the choice of the location of the insect hotel should be made very carefully. He should

  • Offer protection against wind, cold and moisture
  • be in full sun
  • Sun all day if possible
  • always face south

A sunny location has many advantages that are decisive for the colonization of the insect hotel and for the well-being of the insects:

  • Heating of natural materials in the hotel
  • Sun prevents fungal attack and decay of natural materials
  • ensures quick drying after rain
  • no cooling down too quickly in winter

Insect hotels should never be oriented north-west. In the local latitudes, this is the weather side. Wind and rain usually come from here. There is a possibility that if it rains for a long time, filling materials such as wood wool, straw or pine cones and also the eggs of wild bees will start to get moldy. Furthermore, the entry path for the insects is made more difficult here. This should normally always lead along the weather-protected side of the insect hotel. In this way, the insects can fly to their quarters without any problems.

Notice: Insect hotels should always be placed in a clearly visible place so that you can easily attract insects.

raise higher

The insect hotels should not be set up directly on the ground, but rather slightly elevated. You should also pay attention to weight and size. A distance of 50 to 100 cm from the floor must be maintained. Direct ground contact has various disadvantages:

  • by soil wet decomposition of the hotel
  • Plants such as creepers can block access
  • Pets and children come into contact with insects
  • This can cause damage on both sides

Furthermore, you should tilt the hotel slightly forward when setting it up. This allows any water that occurs to drain away quickly and the nesting sites remain dry.

insect hotel

create a food base

Not only the location, but also the food supply must be considered when setting up insect hotels. In the vicinity of the accommodation there should always be sufficient food plants for the insects. The distances to these should be quite short, no longer than 300 meters. Most insects take care of their brood extensively and the short distances are just what they need. Good food plants include:

  • fruit trees
  • roses
  • wild mallow
  • columbine
  • summer flowers
  • lilac
  • elder
  • clover
  • Meadow sage and other herbs

In addition, a mobile raised bed with suitable planting can also do a good job. In addition to food, a wide variety of insects also need water to lay their eggs and finally sand and clay to close their hiding places. If possible, these materials should also be located near the hotels. Alternatively, workaround

  • setting up bowls of wet sand and clay
  • bird baths
  • rain barrels
  • Use corks as a swimming aid

No more relocation

Once you have set up the insect hotel, you should not change the location afterwards. Otherwise the following problems may occur:

  • Insects can no longer find their homes
  • familiar food sources are no longer accessible
  • Insects are driven out of their normal habitat

Note: You can set up insect hotels all year round. A good time is March, when the first guests are already moving in.

frequently asked Questions

Can an insect hotel be placed near people?

Yes, there are no problems. As a rule, the insects do not pose any danger to humans. Only wild bee stings can be dangerous for allergy sufferers. However, the bees must be provoked to do so. An appropriate distance to the house and terrace should therefore be maintained. Proximity to humans helps to ward off natural predators like birds.

Can I put an insect hotel on the balcony or terrace?

Yes of course. However, you should always make sure that the hotel is in full sun. Sun all day would be ideal. Appropriate sources of food must then also be created. This can be done by planting summer flowers in pots, tubs and balcony boxes. Alternatively, a raised bed can be set up with flowering plants if possible.

Does the insect hotel have to be brought indoors in winter?

No, normally no additional protective measures such as covers are necessary in winter. In no case should the hotel be brought into the house. This can quickly disrupt the biorhythm of the insects. Due to the rise in temperature, they wake up prematurely from hibernation. With no food available, they would quickly starve. The prematurely hatching bee larvae would also be doomed to die.

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