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Source: By Rude - Own work, GFDL,

If you discover an amber cockroach in the house, the fright is great. But don't worry, it's harmless. We show how you can recognize the cockroach species and drive them out of the apartment.

In a nutshell

  • Amber cockroaches originate from the Mediterranean region
  • harmless to humans
  • no storage pests
  • Increased occurrence in summer at high temperatures
  • to drive them out of the apartment with traps and scents

The amber cockroach

The amber cockroach (Ectobius vittiventris) is native to southern Europe. It belongs to the forest cockroach family and feeds exclusively on decomposing plant material. She cannot survive long in the apartment. In recent years, scientists have observed an increase in the species of wood cockroach. Climate change and the increase in the number of hot summer days are suspected to be the reason for the increase. Warm temperatures are necessary for the reproduction of the cockroach species.

Source: Peace Fart, Photography of Ectobius vittiventris, edited by Plantopedia, CC BY-SA 4.0

Identify amber cockroaches


  • slim physique
  • color light brown
  • 10 to 14 millimeters long
  • antennae body-length
  • legs thorny
  • Pronotum transparent
  • Wings lightly spotted


  • gardens
  • lawns
  • Forest edges with low bushes
  • parks

Notice: Warm, dry summers can lead to an explosion in amber cockroach populations. Now and then they break into homes.

Get rid of amber cockroaches

Even if the amber cockroaches are not dangerous, they are not welcome in the apartment. We have put together measures to keep the apartment free of insects. Use our tips:


Catch the amber cockroaches. To do this, put a glass over the insects and slide a piece of paper underneath. Then simply bring the cockroaches outside.

Notice: The amber cockroach is useful for nature. It helps in the decomposition of plant matter and supports the formation of humus. Do not fight the insects with chemical agents!

Fend off

Amber cockroaches come into the apartment through open windows and doors. Protect them with fly screens in summer. Don't keep the doors open all the time. Close the windows with the lights on. Watch out for lone intruders. At high temperatures they multiply very strongly.

To evict

Many insects, including amber cockroaches, do not like the smell of various herbs. Plant lavender, lemon balm, rosemary, catnip, and sage near the front of the house. Alternatively, you can set up pots planted with herbs in the entrance area.


Remove organic waste from the apartment regularly. Do not leave fruit and vegetables in the room uncovered. Check your houseplants regularly for pest infestation.
Use vinegar cleaner to clean the apartment. Most insects don't like the smell of vinegar. Clean cupboards and drawers regularly. Cleanliness is the best way to combat insects in the home.


Keep organic waste bins away from doors and windows. Place the compost heap far from the house.

Build a trap

There are no special traps for amber cockroaches. Make the trap yourself in just a few simple steps.

  1. Cut off the top third of a plastic bottle with a sharp knife.
  2. Fill the bottom of the bottle with grass and leaves.
  3. Tuck the top upside down into the bottom.
  4. Spread the traps around the apartment.
  5. The cockroaches are attracted by the plant remains and cannot find their way out again.
  6. Bring the trapped insects outside.

frequently asked Questions

How do amber cockroaches differ from cockroaches?

The German cockroach (Blattella germanica), feared as a storage pest, differs from the amber cockroach mainly in its body coloration. This is lighter overall. The pronotum of the German cockroach contains two dark longitudinal stripes. German cockroaches are nocturnal and unable to fly. Amber cockroaches, on the other hand, can fly well and are diurnal. A trick helps to identify the type of cockroach: switch on the light. The German cockroach immediately takes flight. Amber cockroaches do not have this flight instinct.

Can amber cockroaches bite or sting?

No, the amber cockroach does not bite or sting humans or pets.

Can amber cockroaches transmit diseases?

Like all cockroaches, amber cockroaches can also transmit diseases, because it cannot be ruled out that they come into contact with viruses and bacteria when looking for food. Skin contact or contact with cockroach excrement can cause allergic reactions in sensitive people.

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