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Thrush eggs are easy to recognize by their appearance. However, the eggs of the native Turdus species differ from each other in terms of color, which makes it easier to identify the birds.

In a nutshell

  • Eggs of native thrushes are oval in shape
  • small and light
  • Coloring of the thrush eggs depends on species

Thrush Eggs: Appearance

The eggs of the thrush species native to Germany do not really differ in shape. While color is an important clue to the species, the actual appearance of thrush eggs does not change. That means you can be sure it's a choke by its shape and size. The following features are characteristic of thrush eggs:

Blackbird Eggs
  • Height: 25 to 29mm
  • Diameter: 20 to 22mm
  • Shape: oval, elliptical (rare)
  • Weight: 5 to 7 g

Notice: Thrushes place their nests well hidden in trees or thickets, as the eggs are readily eaten by numerous predators. Birds of prey such as sparrowhawks or falcons are particularly noteworthy here.

color in detail

One of the most important factors in identifying thrush eggs is coloration. The species of thrushes native to Germany each have differently colored eggs, which you should definitely pay attention to. To make it easier for them to assign them to the different taxa, please find the species-specific coloration of the eggs in the following list:

  • Blackbird (Turdus merula): green ground, mottled brown
  • Mistle Thrush (Turdus viscivorus): white background, spotted red, rounded spots
  • Ring ouzel (Turdus torquatus): blue-green background mottled with brown
  • Redwing (Turdus iliacus): green-blue ground, red-brown marbled or spotted
  • Song thrush (Turdus philomelos): sky-blue ground, few spots on underside
  • Fieldfare (Turdus pilaris): turquoise background, spotted reddish brown, spots concentrated on underside

Notice: The colder the region, the darker the coloring of the eggs. As a result, they store more heat from the sun, which means they don't overcool as quickly.

frequently asked Questions

When do thrushes breed in Central Europe?

Thrushes are among the first bird species in Germany to herald the breeding season every year. It begins in mid-February or a little later in March and two to three clutches are hatched one after the other. That means you can watch the birds rearing their chicks until the end of August.

How many eggs does a thrush lay on average?

The number of eggs depends on the species. On average, the birds lay between four and six eggs, which are hatched in the well-hidden nest. It is not uncommon for there to be only three eggs in a clutch, especially in species such as the mistle thrush. There is a rest period of about 24 hours between each egg. For this reason, egg laying lasts three to six days.

When do thrush chicks hatch?

On average, the eggs hatch after a period of about two weeks. While the colors of the eggs vary, this is not the case for the incubation period. For this reason, the native species often hatch at the same time.

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