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A highlight as a child: feeding the birds on the pond with bread. But is that actually good for the animals? We interviewed Luise Schenk, a committed conservationist at NABU Burgstädt e.V. (Saxony), on the subject.

In a nutshell

  • Bread is not suitable food
  • The salt in it deprives animals of fluids
  • Bread swells and prevents water absorption
  • ideal food: seeds and mixtures with dried insects

Our expert

As the future head of the NABU regional group in Burgstädt, Luise Schenk is already taking care of the Herrenhaide nature conservation station on a voluntary basis alongside her studies. With many volunteers, you are actively committed to nature conservation in the region. The work and concerns of NABU are brought closer to people, among other things, in regular, interesting events.

Can you feed birds with bread and why?

Louise Schenk: “No, bread is not suitable for feeding birds. One should keep in mind that natural food is not cooked, salted or seasoned and the organism is not adjusted to it. In particular, the salt and baking agents it contains are not good for the animals. In addition, the dry bread swells in the stomach, clumps and prevents further absorption of water and ultimately leads to death. It also attracts rodents in bird feeders and quickly develops mold when it is damp.”

Where does the misconception come from?

Louise Schenk: "We don't know where the misconception comes from. However, one can say that the feeding of the birds with bread is mostly done out of love for animals. Young and old like to feed the cute little animals, which even come very close for a piece of bread or rolls. The consequences of this action are often not observed and the misconduct is therefore not recognized either.”

What are suitable alternatives?

Louise Schenk: “Seeds such as sunflower seeds, hemp, poppy, flaxseed, millet, wheat, also in combination with fat, as in fat balls, are the best choice. The trade has many suitable offers ready. You can now also buy feed mixtures with dried insects (e.g. mealworms, crickets, silkworms, etc.). These are also very suitable as year-round feeding. A cut apple is readily accepted by thrushes. You shouldn’t neglect cleaning the manure from the feeding table at certain intervals to rule out epidemics.”

When should you support birds with additional food?

Louise Schenk: “Feeding is particularly important in extreme weather conditions with black ice and heavy snow cover. In the rest of the year our feathered singers are in increasing need. Great tit, blue tit, robin, nuthatch and Co. are pronounced soft eaters and depend on insects. Availability has been steadily decreasing for years due to human activity. They therefore need additional protein-rich feed, especially during the energy-sapping breeding and rearing season.”

What about the bird population and their health in 2022?

Louise Schenk: “Based on the national bird protection report, which the federal government sends to the EU Commission every six years, the situation with our native bird life is becoming increasingly poor. In particular, populations of lapwings, skylarks, turtledoves and other bird species in agricultural landscapes have continued to decline. But there are not only downsides. In some places you can see that nature conservation has been successful. Black stork, white-tailed eagle and crane were successfully propagated. The total number of breeding birds in Germany also remained relatively constant. Forest and urban birds have even increased in some cases. Such positive news is the incentive to continue in conservation to promote and protect endangered bird species.

What can each individual do to protect native birds?

Louise Schenk: “Caring for our bird life doesn't stop at the bird feeder. Not insignificant is the help of each individual to support our cave breeders. By placing nesting boxes and semi-caves in gardens, parks or in the forest, we increase the breeding opportunity. Climbing protection on trees can keep cats, martens, raccoons, etc. from predatory attacks.”

What role does NABU play in bird protection?

Louise Schenk: "We at NABU-Burgstädt e.V. have made it our task to repeatedly draw attention to the grievances through environmental education. We have passionate volunteers who have specialized in ornithology of their own accord. With them we were able to set up and maintain many different birdhouses and feeding stations in and around the grounds of the Herrenhaide nature conservation station. Themed events are also held within the station. Together with young and old we take part in bird counts such as the “Hour of the Winter Birds”. We also try to impart species knowledge, because: What you don't know, you don't protect! We are currently supervising the renewal of a stork's nest in Altmittweida."

Can you feed birds with bread?

No, bread is not suitable for feeding birds. One should keep in mind that natural food is not cooked, salted or seasoned and the organism is not adjusted to it. In particular, the salt and baking agents it contains are not good for the animals. In addition, the dry bread swells in the stomach, clumps and prevents further absorption of water and ultimately leads to death.

What are suitable alternatives?

Seeds such as sunflower seeds, hemp, poppy, flaxseed, millet, wheat, also in combination with fat, as in fat balls, are the best choice. The trade has many suitable offers ready. You can now also buy feed mixtures with dried insects (e.g. mealworms, crickets, silkworms, etc.). These are also very suitable as year-round feeding. A cut apple is readily accepted by thrushes.

When should you support birds with additional food?

Feeding is particularly important in extreme weather conditions with black ice and heavy snow cover. In the rest of the year our feathered singers are in increasing need. Great tit, blue tit, robin, nuthatch and Co. are pronounced soft eaters and depend on insects. Availability has been steadily decreasing for years due to human activity. They therefore need additional protein-rich feed, especially during the exhausting breeding and rearing season.

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