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Black wasps are an intimidating sight to many. The question often arises as to whether the insects are poisonous or dangerous to humans. You can find all the answers here.

In a nutshell

  • are black wasps not poisonous
  • there are numerous species within the order of Hymenoptera
  • they are subdivided into the families of the waist wasp (Apocrita) and plant wasp (Symphyta)
  • only stinging species (Aculeata) pose a danger to humans because of their stinging apparatus
  • the occurrence also extends over the entire German-speaking area

Black wasp poisonous?

Don't worry if you encounter an all-black wasp species. In Germany there is no black wasp whose toxicity poses a real danger to humans. Although certain species have a sting, the poison contained in the administered dose is not problematic and the sting only hurts. None of the species that we call black wasps are really poisonous.

Notice: Such wasps can be particularly dangerous for allergy sufferers, since insect venom gets into the body if they are stung. Therefore, be aware of possible symptoms after a sting and consult a doctor or hospital as a precaution.

Different Black wasps - none of them really dangerous for non-allergic people, albeit painful.

Armed black wasps

Black wasps are divided into two groups: stinging and legimming. While stingers like the honey bee are armed with a defensive sting, legims like the wood wasp parasitic wasp (Rhyssa persuasoria) only have a ovipositor. This means that only the stingers can sting when threatened. For this reason, a specific species is often referred to as a black wasp: the carpenter bee (Xylocopa violacea).

The big carpenter bee

The reason for this is their characteristics:

  • Size: 20 to 28mm
  • purple-blue wings
  • colored completely black
  • buzzes loudly

Although the carpenter bee is actually reminiscent of a bumblebee, many people still mistake it for a hornet or wasp. It is known because it is one of the most common wild bee species that you can encounter in Germany up to a height of 500 meters. Despite its considerable size and the loud noise, it poses no danger to you. Nevertheless, you should watch out for the animals in your garden, as they build their nests in dead wood and defend themselves in the event of danger. But not only the large carpenter bee occurs in Germany. Other carpenter bees are also colored black, but they are not as conspicuous.

Furthermore, numerous species of the following genera belong to the black wasps:

  • digger wasps (Spheciformes) such as Passaloecus corniger
  • spider wasps (Pompilidae) such as the barrel wasp (Auplopus carbonarius)

Harmless wasps

Not only the stinging species have to be mentioned when it comes to this topic. There are other genera from which you might encounter a black wasp. As with the stinging chimpanzees, their occurrence also extends across the whole of Germany, whereby the different species naturally prefer different habitats and regions. Using this, you can also assign the waistless wasps well. Compared to the stinging chimneys, they are usually significantly smaller and are therefore not immediately recognized as wasps. Since they only have one ovipositor, they are completely harmless to humans and pets.

The best-known genera of Legimma with black species:

  • eye wasps (Cephidae) such as Hartigia trimaculata
  • gall wasps (Cynipidae) such as the common oak gall wasp (Cynips quercusfolii)
  • parasitic wasps

Notice: Because of their behavior, many parasitic wasps are welcome beneficial insects in the garden and are often settled there. They devour large amounts of pests that can be fatal to your planted crops.

Ichneumonid wasp attacks pest (caterpillar)When are people bitten?

As with yellow-black striped bees, bumblebees and wasps, as well as the often unjustly feared hornets, you only have to expect a sting if the insects' nest is disturbed and the animals are irritated or cornered. In addition, only those species that are equipped with a stinger can sting. Black parasitic or plant wasps, on the other hand, can be picked up or expelled without hesitation.

Do black wasps build nests?

No, there are no known black bandicids. For this reason, the specimens in this color are exclusively solitary specimens. That means you don't have to worry about stumbling into bigger nests with these.

What to do after a wasp sting

Since the stinging species in this group are only dangerous for people with allergies or if certain parts of the body such as the throat have been stung, you should contact the emergency doctor as soon as possible. If drugs or an adrenaline injection are available, these should be used depending on the intensity of the allergic reactions. Likewise, it is important to keep an eye on the sufferer until professional help arrives.

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