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Columbine is an attractive flower with an unusual flower shape. It transforms one or the other area of the garden into a beautiful sea of flowers. The cultivation is completely uncomplicated. We show when you should sow columbines.

In a nutshell

  • Seeds for sowing can be harvested from existing plants
  • you can grow them indoors or sow them directly
  • some species require a cold stimulus for germination
  • others can be sown directly in open ground
  • the seeds of the columbine are poisonous

Best sowing time

Regardless of whether the seed was bought or harvested yourself in the previous year, the right time to sow the columbine depends on whether it is to be a pre-culture or no-till and whether the seed has to be stratified beforehand. If a pre-cultivation is planned in the house, you can start with it from the end of February. If you want to sow directly in the bed, the right time is between the end of April and the beginning of May. The cool temperatures usually don't bother the seeds.

Notice: Direct sowing in autumn is not recommended because, unlike the seeds, the young plants are sensitive to frost. Columbines that you want to sow outside in autumn would therefore not survive the first winter.

prefer seeds

For a preculture in early spring, a seed box and a cold frame are just as good as a commercial seed tray. Furthermore, you need conventional seed soil and, of course, appropriate seeds.

  • First fill the respective container with seed soil
  • Distribute seeds on the substrate
  • cover a maximum of three to five millimeters with soil
  • Moisten soil and keep moist until germination
  • ideally use a hand sprayer
  • put the whole thing in a bright place without direct sun
  • optimal germination temperature between 17 and 20 degrees
  • Germination time about five to six weeks
  • from a size of approx. five centimeters separate to 30 cm
  • put out or plant after the ice saints
  • Protect young plants from possible late frosts

If you don't want to use purchased seeds, you can also harvest them from existing plants in the fall and sow them. The seed pods form after flowering and can be harvested as soon as they are wilted or dry. If you shake the capsules and there is a rustle in the capsules, the seeds are ripe and can theoretically be sown.

Notice: Columbine seeds, like all other parts of the plant, are poisonous.

Stratify cold-germinating species

The frost germs under the columbines such. B. Aquilegia chrysantha can be sown in the garden very early in the year or as early as autumn from October to December. They need a cold stimulus lasting four to eight weeks in order to be able to germinate. You can also sow them in seed pots and keep them in a cool place at 15-18 degrees for three to four weeks. Then for about a week in a slightly cooler place with temperatures of about 10 degrees. On frost-free days in January they can be moved to a sheltered spot outdoors.

Sowing columbines - instructions

Not all types of columbine are cold germs and can therefore be sown normally in spring. Before you think about sowing, it is important to find the right location, because not every species thrives equally well in every location. Many plants in shady locations only reach a third of their possible growth height. Sunny and, above all, partially shaded areas in the garden are more suitable. Once the right location has been found, seeds can be planted.

  • Sow columbines on loose, humus-rich, fresh and nutrient-rich soil
  • sandy-loamy substrates ideally suited
  • don't dry out as quickly
  • waterlogged soils completely unsuitable
  • Thoroughly loosen the soil in the bed, about 20-30 cm deep
  • remove weeds, roots and stones
  • Mix soil with compost
  • then sow the seeds thinly on loosened soil
  • Cover lightly with soil, moisten soil and keep moist
  • If necessary, mix the seed with a little sand before sowing
  • Application is then easier and more even

Tip: To prevent the seeds from being washed away when watering, you can moisten the soil before sowing. You can also protect the seed from rain with a foil tunnel that you place over the bed.

After sowing

The first seedlings can usually be seen after about four to six weeks. If they have been sown too densely, they must be pricked out as soon as they have formed the first leaves and are big enough. Weak plants and those with stunted growth are sorted out and only the strongest and healthiest are used for culture. After the young plants have been isolated, they are actually very easy to care for. Depending on the natural amount of rain, they should be watered regularly and fertilized from May to August. If you remove withered flowers, it can even bloom again. The next spring they are then cut off close to the ground.

Tip: When watering, always pour onto the root area and not over the leaves or flowers.

frequently asked Questions

No flowering is that due to the sowing?

These plants flower for the first time after a year. The lack of flowering usually has nothing to do with sowing.

Does the columbine also sow itself?

The columbine usually sows itself. However, unwanted crossings can occur with different varieties in a small space. The resulting offspring are then not pure.

Are the seeds of these plants light or dark germinators?

The columbine belongs to the so-called light germs. This means they need a certain amount of light to germinate. Therefore, after sowing, you should only cover them very thinly with soil. In general, seeds from light germinators are very small, so they would hardly be able to penetrate a thick layer of soil.

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