Beetles with long antennae are not pleasant roommates. Because their larvae not only contaminate food with their excretions, they also do not stop at wood, leather and other materials.

In a nutshell

  • Beetles with long feelers are among the wood, material and storage pests
  • are often brought in with purchased goods
  • are difficult to get rid of
  • as a rule, the control must be carried out by a professional company

combat wood pests

In the case of beetles with long feelers, which also target wooden objects in the home, the larvae are the real pests. Because these eat their way through the wood in the course of their development, which can sometimes take years.

infestation assessment

Before you fight a wood-eating species yourself or professionally, an infestation assessment should be carried out by an expert. This clarifies the following:

  • the size and extent of the damage
  • Determination of the species of wood-eating insect (macro- and microscopic based on larvae, pupae or adult beetles)
  • active or already completed infestation
Wood attacked by pests

fight yourself

Self-control of wood-eating beetle larvae is usually only recommended for smaller wooden objects and pieces of furniture. Depending on the type of beetle, you have different options.

Common and spotted gnat beetle

  • Place the object in a heated living space (warm and dry)
  • never clean with a damp cloth
  • The larvae die off due to the increasing drought

Alternatively, you can fight the two gnat beetles as follows:

  • Heating the wood core to 55 degrees Celsius for about an hour
  • in the oven (hot air) or the sauna at a maximum surface temperature of 120 degrees Celsius

Tip: The heat treatments are not suitable for valuable wooden objects, as cracks may appear. In this case, you should contact a specialist company.

parquet beetle

  • Store wooden objects at minus 20 degrees Celsius
  • for at least a week

Professional combat

Professional control methods can also be used against beetles with long antennae. In the case of components that serve to ensure stability, a construction expert must be consulted to check the statics. In the worst case, the affected wooden parts have to be replaced.


  • takes place in stationary systems with gases such as carbon dioxide, nitrogen, argon or sulfuryl difluoride
  • Exposure time between four and eight weeks (depending on the gas used)

Chemical wood preservatives (biocides)

Paint wood with biocides against pests
  • ingestion or contact poison
  • application in the home
  • Observe re-entry times
  • protect children in particular

Thermal hot air treatment

  • Flushing the wood at a temperature between 105 and 120 degrees Celsius
  • Keep the wood core at 55 degrees Celsius for at least 60 minutes

Wood-eating beetle species

Motley beetle (dead watch, mottled bite beetle, mottled beetle, scientific name Xestobium rufovillosum)

  • Look:
    • adult animals: five to nine millimeters long, yellow-grey patches of hair
    • Larvae: up to about 10 millimeters long, beige-colored, black mouthparts
  • Infestation and damage:
    • Often a secondary pest in pre-damaged wood (fungal infestation)
    • Half-timbered houses (especially oak wood), furniture, sculptures, wooden picture frames, parquet floors, wooden stairs
    • round burrows of the larvae
    • Exit holes: 2 to 4 millimeters in diameter
  • Preventive measure:
    • Prevention of moisture absorption through wood care with natural substances such as linseed oil, natural resins or beeswax

Common / common woodworm ("woodworm", scientific name Anobium punctatum)

The common woodcarid beetle is the most dangerous and common woodcarid beetle in Central Europe.

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  • Look:
    • adult animals: 2 to 4 millimeters long, grey-brown, hairy on the upper and lower side, elytra with rows of dots
    • Larvae: up to 25 millimeters long, white to off-white
  • Infestation and damage:
    • no preferred wood species
    • especially in unheated and unused rooms
    • damp wiping promotes infestation
    • Eating marks on beams, boards, floors, wicker, furniture, sculptures or slats
    • Colonization of damp roof trusses as well as door and window frames
    • Exit holes: one to two millimeters in diameter
    • Wood flour / drill dust: yes

Tip: To check infestation activity, place paper under the affected area. If you find light wood flour on it after a few days, the larvae are active.

  • Prevent:
    • Avoidance of temperature fluctuations and thermal bridges
    • Deterioration of living conditions due to heating and use of rooms
    • dry or damp wiping against excessive wood moisture on furniture feet or on wooden floors

House Longhorn (Hylotrupes bajulus)

In many federal states, a house longhorn beetle infestation has to be reported and notified according to the building regulations. Since the larvae mainly live in the roof beams, the control must be carried out by a professional company.

  • Look:
    • Beetle: 7 to 28 millimeters long, brown-black with grey-white hairs and white hair spots on the elytra
    • Larvae: up to 25 millimeters long, white to off-white
  • Infestation and damage:
    • predominantly built-in roof beams of older buildings
    • rather rarely furniture and doors on the lower floors of houses
    • Larvae: feed on the sapwood, high feeding rate, remain in the wood for several years, rasping feeding noises
    • Exit hole: oval, about three by seven millimeters

Notice: Since the infestation is often only noticed years later through the exit holes, massive damage can occur, such as roof beams breaking during a storm.

To prevent egg laying, you should avoid the following:

  • Cracks in the wood due to temperature changes
  • Wood cracks and fresh cuts during repair work on older wooden structures

Parquet beetle (Lyctus linearis)

parquet beetle
  • Look:
    • Beetles: 2.5 to 5 millimeters long, reddish brown to blackish brown
    • Larvae: about six millimeters, creamy white, brown mouth
  • Infestation and damage:
    • prefers dry oak and parquet
    • is often brought in with infested parquet sticks
    • Drill dust / wood dust: very light and fine
    • Exit holes: one to two millimeters in diameter

Notice: If the parquet floor is infested, you should replace the parquet strips, as it is usually not possible to combat the floor effectively.

  • Prevent:
    • Treat parquet with wood preservatives

Material and storage pests

These beetles with long antennae and their larvae prey on food and materials like wool and leather. If consumable goods are affected, contaminated products should no longer be consumed. Because they contain excrement and meal of the insects. In addition, mites and mold often spread as a result of it. (hygiene pest)


Infested food must always be destroyed and disposed of. For other materials, professional control measures should be used, such as disinfestation, fumigation or thermal treatment.

beetle species

Thief Beetles (Ptininae)

Thief beetles are only a few millimeters in size and are usually light, golden or dark brown in color. The insects are nocturnal and flightless, but can travel enormous distances foraging on foot. Among the material and storage pests are u. a. counted the following species:

  • Australian thief beetle (Ptinus tectus)
  • Tawny Thief Beetle (Ptinus clavipes)
  • Lesser thief beetle (Ptinus pusillus)
  • Herb Thief (Ptinus fur)
  • Spherical beetle (Gibbium psylloides)
  • Brass beetle (Niptus hololeucus)


  • Variety of plant and animal foods such as soy flour, milk powder, flour, pearl barley, peas, herbal supplies, but also fish food or dog biscuits
  • Materials: leather or textiles, paper packaging, plastic, insulation, soft wood

bread beetle (Stegobium paniceum)

  • Look:
    • up to three millimeters long, rusty brown
  • Infestation and damage:
    • omnivore
    • Animal and vegetable products such as baked goods, pasta, but also soup cubes, chocolate, spices (including chili), dried fish and even pet food
    • Paper and cardboard packaging
    • pinholes in infested food (egress holes)

Notice: The infestation is brought in by contaminated food or enters the home through an open window. The cause can also be salt dough or an old gingerbread heart that has been forgotten in the drawer.

Small flathead beetle (Cryptolestes pusillus)

  • Look:
    • up to 1.7 millimeters long, rusty brown to yellow-red
  • infestation:
    • Cereals, cereal products, cocoa and coffee beans, raisins, dates
    • is brought into the home via contaminated food

frequently asked Questions

Can I also fight or drive away the beetles gently?

The beetles can neither be gently fought nor driven away in the apartment. This is partly due to the small size of the insects and partly because the larvae are the real problem.

Which preventive measures help against storage pests?

It helps against storage pests if you store food in sealable cans or jars, even if it has not been opened.

Do beetles with long antennae also transmit diseases?

In contrast to cockroaches, which belong to the cockroaches, the transmission of diseases is not explicitly mentioned in the described beetle species.
