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Rubber trees are low-maintenance plants. If you lose your hands, something is wrong. The causes are manifold. However, you should get to the bottom of the matter quickly to avoid further damage. This helps with leaf loss on the rubber tree.

In a nutshell

  • various causes cause leaf loss on the rubber tree
  • Check location, water supply and fertilization
  • rescue possible
  • Avoid maintenance mistakes in the future

causes and measures

It is mainly care mistakes that cause the rubber tree to lose leaves. These include, among other things:

  • wrong location
  • too little/too much watering
  • wrong fertilizing
  • diseases and pests
Yellow leaves on rubber trees also indicate care errors.

Unfavorable location

temperature and light

Rubber trees (Ficus elastica) feel good when their location is bright and warm. Conversely, this means that they don’t like one that is too dark and/or too cold. In addition to an overall poor growth, the loss of leaves, which is constantly increasing, is another sign that Ficus elastica is dissatisfied with its place.

Because the understanding of warmth and brightness is different between people and plants, for the rubber tree, a temperature of +18 degrees Celsius is already very cold. If the thermometer shows a value below this, the plant perceives this as bitterly cold and is about to die from the cold. The same applies to the brightness. Locations that people classify as bright are often already dark or even too dark for Ficus elastica.


At appropriate temperatures, Ficus elastica - provided they are protected from the midday sun - can also be exposed to the "warm" air.

Rubber trees do not like drafts at all. In summer it is just about tolerated when the window is opened, but in winter the incoming air is far too cold for the plants. If your Ficus elastica is not close to the window, you can recognize draughts as the cause of leaf loss because it only loses leaves on one side.

Check location

  • Check the temperature at the location (day and night) and increase if necessary
  • if there is a lack of light, place the plant in a brighter and warmer place
  • Morning and evening sun are ideal
  • shade the plant under the blazing midday sun

Notice: If it loses leaves after purchase, this does not have to be because it has been placed in an unfavorable location. Because the plants need some time to adjust to the new light conditions.

Wrong watering

If it loses leaves, you should check the substrate of the rubber tree. If it is bone dry, then the plant suffers from dryness. If it feels damp or even wet, Ficus elastica has received too much water. Because both casting errors lead to the same result: it loses leaves.

When watering the rubber tree, most mistakes are made, which in the worst case result in the ficus losing its leaves.

Fix water shortage

This casting mistake can be made up for relatively quickly. It is important that you do not give the rubber tree too much water now. Therefore, keep calm and proceed as follows:

  • place smaller specimens with the pot in a bowl of lukewarm water
  • Remove when no more air bubbles rise
  • Drain
  • Place the plant in its usual location
  • Water larger specimens moderately with lukewarm water for one to three days
  • Substrate must slowly moisten
  • Check soil moisture

So that the rubber tree does not have to suffer from drought again, you should only water it according to its needs. If the damage occurred while you were away, you should inform your watering aid.

Notice: The rubber tree does not suffer from drought, but it tolerates dry periods better than wet periods. It is therefore essential to avoid waterlogging by watering too intensively!

Avoid waterlogging

A substrate soaked with water offers an ideal climate for fungi and bacteria. These attack the roots and severely disrupt the water and nutrient supply of the rubber tree. Ficus elastica gives a thirsty impression and is poured all the more. This is how a vicious circle begins, which often ends with the complete loss of leaves or the death of the rubber tree.

If there is too much water, the only thing that often helps is repotting the plant.

So that there is even a chance of saving the rubber tree, action must be taken quickly. You won't know how good your chances are until you inspect the roots. Take the following actions:

  • Carefully lift the rubber tree out of the pot
  • Remove roots from soil
  • generously cut out rotted and decayed areas
  • Rinse off any residue under lukewarm water
  • let dry
  • Repot Ficus elastica in dry substrate (use new pot)
  • do not water

Patience is now required as the plant has to recover from the weeks of moisture it has been exposed to. Therefore, the rubber tree may only be watered again when it makes a fresh impression again.

Notice: If his condition doesn't improve for weeks and months, you've lost the battle.

frequently asked Questions

Does a fertilizer help against leaf loss?

Since the rubber tree is one of the weak consumers, fertilizer is not a suitable measure. If you notice discoloration on the leaves, you may have fertilized too much. Only fertilize moderately, not at all in winter.

If it loses leaves, it's the sun's fault, is that right?

Too much direct sun is one of the causes of leaf loss. Give him a shady spot immediately. You should also check if you have enough to drink.

Can lack of space lead to leaf loss?

Yes, that's why you should repot the rubber tree regularly. If it has completely rooted through the old substrate, the nutrient supply suffers. For repotting, it is best to choose a slightly larger container and replace the soil at the same time.

What about diseases and pests?

Diseases and pests, especially spider mites, scale insects and mealybugs, can also cause leaf loss. As a rule, however, this is only the case with high infestation pressure. With a regular check, you should have recognized the infestation beforehand.

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