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They are revered as the birds of love or despised as the rats of the air. Pigeons are impressive, graceful creatures. They court all the time. But what about the breeding season of pigeons? How long and how often do they breed each year?

In a nutshell

  • Pigeons belong to the pigeon bird family (Columbiformes)
  • breed several times a year
  • often the birds look after two nests at the same time
  • an average of two eggs per clutch
  • Incubation period about 2 to 3 weeks

Breeding behavior of domestic pigeon species

Pigeons (Columbiformes) live almost everywhere in the world. Fairy tales and fables describe her grace and peaceful character. In favorable conditions, the birds multiply very rapidly, since pigeons breed quite often.

We have compiled the breeding times and interesting details on the breeding behavior of the pigeon species native to Germany for you.

Stock Dove (Columba oenas)

  • Habitat: Parks, gardens, light forests
  • Plumage: blue-grey
  • Characteristics: Greenish iridescent nape patch
  • Breeding season: March to October
  • Number of broods per year: 3
  • Breeding site: in abandoned woodpecker burrows and nest boxes
  • Clutch size: 2 eggs
  • Incubation period: 16 to 18 days

Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus)

  • Habitat: Cities, villages, gardens, forests
  • Plumage: grey-blue
  • Characteristics: white wing mirrors, white neck patch
  • Breeding season: April to October
  • Number of broods per year: 1 to 3
  • Breeding site: medium-altitude in trees
  • Clutch size: 2 eggs
  • Incubation period: 16 to 17 days

Notice: The wood pigeon males look for suitable nesting sites. However, the final decision rests with the female. The privacy screen is important when making your choice. Coniferous trees are therefore preferred in spring and autumn, and in summer the pigeons also spend their breeding season in deciduous trees.

City Pigeon (Columba livia f. domestica)

  • Habitat: Anywhere in inhabited areas
  • Plumage: blue-grey to brownish
  • Characteristics: white neck patch
  • Breeding season: March to August
  • Number of broods per year: 2 to 4
  • Hatchery: often on buildings
  • Clutch size: 2 to 3 eggs
  • Incubation period: 17 to 18 days

Collared Dove (Streptopelia decaocto)

  • Habitat: Cities, villages, gardens, forests
  • Plumage: grey-brown
  • Characteristics: reddish chest, black nape band with white border, white tail tips
  • Breeding season: March to October
  • Number of broods per year: 2 to 6
  • Breeding place: in trees, on buildings
  • Clutch size: 2 eggs
  • Incubation period: 13 to 14 days

Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur)

  • Habitat: open landscapes
  • Plumage: reddish gray
  • Characteristics: black and white stripes on the neck
  • Breeding season: May to September
  • Number of broods per year: 2 to 6
  • Breeding place: in bushes and trees
  • Clutch size: 2 eggs
  • Incubation period: 13 to 14 days

Notice: If you have the opportunity, observe the breeding behavior of pigeons. A pair often incubates several nests at the same time. While the eggs are still hatching in one nest, the young birds are already being reared in the other.

frequently asked Questions

Who looks after the brood of pigeons?

Males and females take turns caring for the brood. The young birds belong to the nest squatters. When they are able to fly, they are fed by their parents for a few more days.

Can pigeon nests be removed from the balcony?

First of all, it is important to check what species of pigeon it is. Check with the nature conservation authority in your region or get information from a nature conservation association in your area. Wild pigeons are partly under protection. Their nests must not be removed improperly.

Are pigeons monogamous?

Doves are called the birds of love for a reason. They are very loyal and live their whole lives with a single partner. They eat and sleep together. Mostly they stay in a breeding area.

What color are pigeon eggs?

The eggs of the domestic pigeon species are white. Some of them have a pink or yellowish sheen. They are matt or slightly shiny. Pigeon eggs have a beautiful, elliptical shape.

How long does it take for pigeons to become sexually mature?

Sexual maturity occurs in most pigeon species at the age of six months.

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