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The fat bumblebee is a real wonder of nature. According to physical calculations, she would not be able to fly. But she does! But is there a risk of getting a bumblebee bite?

In a nutshell

  • Bumblebees belong to the genus of bees
  • very peaceful insects
  • only female bumblebees have a stinger
  • Bumblebee stings are harmless
  • there is no bumblebee bite


Bumblebees (Bombus) are undoubtedly one of the most popular insects. When the black and yellow furry bugs fly around, spring is here!
The cute little animals, like the honey bees, are among the colony-forming insects. They live in colonies with one queen, workers, drones and young queens. The bumblebee colony only lives for one year. Only the young queens survive the winter.

Can bumblebees bite or sting?

For generations, the belief has held that bumblebees can bite while they cannot sting.
The sympathetic animals have powerful biting tools. These are not used for defense, so that a bumblebee bite is almost impossible. Only female bumblebees have a stinging apparatus with a powerful stinger. This one is very long. In contrast to the sting of the bee, it has no barbs and does not get stuck in the human skin after a sting. Unlike bees, which lose their sting after a single sting, a bumblebee can sting multiple times.

Harmless animals

One reason for the rumor that bumblebees cannot sting is that the animals are not aggressive. They are very peaceful. A bumblebee bite can only occur if they are harassed.

Notice: Various bumblebee species, such as the tree bumblebee (Bombus hypnorum), react aggressively when their nests are threatened. Under no circumstances should a bumblebee nest be touched or damaged!

Visible defensive behavior

If bumblebees feel threatened, this can be recognized by clear signs. First there is a loud hum. The insects first stretch out a front leg towards the attacker, and later their rear part with the sting. Male bumblebees show similar defensive behavior, although they do not have a dangerous stinger.

The bumblebee sting

If, in exceptional cases, a bumblebee sting occurs, it is not very painful. The furry insects inject only a small dose of venom into human skin.
Typical characteristics of a bumblebee sting are:

  • swelling
  • redness
  • itching at the injection site

Notice: Most people quickly forget a bumblebee sting. Cooling compresses or ointments relieve the slight pain.

Stinger of the (female) bumblebee in close-up

Additional symptoms may occur in sensitive individuals, children and allergy sufferers:

  • skin rash
  • Vomit
  • tachycardia
  • shortness of breath
  • disturbances of consciousness

Call an ambulance if

  • features of an allergy appear,
  • the puncture site is near the eyes or
  • a prick in the mouth or throat.

frequently asked Questions

Can you get stung if you step on a bumblebee?

Various ground bumblebees often stay on the ground. It can happen that you step barefoot on a bumblebee on the way to the bathing lake and get stung. Clean and cool the puncture site.

How can you prevent bumblebee stings?

Those who don't corner the beneficial insects usually don't get stung. Children are often fascinated by the buzzing little animals and want to catch them with their hands. It can happen that they get stung by a bumblebee. Under no circumstances should you hit the bumblebees to ward them off.

Do colors of clothing attract bumblebees?

Many insects react to colors. While mosquitoes prefer yellow and orange tones, bumblebees are attracted to blue color. Anyone who is allergic to bumblebee venom should avoid blue and light blue clothing in spring and summer.

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