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Raccoons may look cute, but they aren't when they occupy your home and garden. Read here what you can do about it and how you can prevent it all. These methods help repel raccoons without harming them.

In a nutshell

  • Raccoons are very adaptable
  • if they find inviting conditions they are difficult to get rid of
  • there are promising methods to repel raccoons
  • for example noise, smells and light
  • take preventive measures

Lifestyle of the raccoon

The raccoon doesn't attract attention as long as it hides in the forest. Unfortunately, the little bears like human contact and the opportunities that settlements offer them. They find both shelter and food there more easily than in the forest.

Once a raccoon has settled in, it is very difficult to get rid of it. Poison and traps are ruled out from the start because they are forbidden by law. The only option left is to make the nocturnal bear uncomfortable. He is sensitive to various smells and disturbances of any kind.

Notice: If you are unsure which animal has nested in the house or garden, legacies such as faeces often provide information about the identity of the uninvited guest.

Drive raccoons out of the house

Getting rid of glitches

It is not enough to have a tight roof. The raccoon can lift roof shingles and thus gain access for himself. But he doesn't like being constantly disturbed. That is why evening walks in the attic are very effective. The raccoon is afraid of people. Especially when the raccoon wants to reproduce, it will look for a more undisturbed place.

Unpleasant smells

Dried Lavender

Raccoons are sensitive to smells. However, smells only have a limited sphere of action, so they are best used indoors. Smells the raccoon dislikes:

  • Home remedies like lavender sachets
  • chemical odors, such as toilet blocks or mothballs
  • Chili and cayenne pepper


Ultrasound devices can also be used indoors, while they have too little effect outdoors. Unless multiple devices are installed. However, there are more effective ways to get rid of the raccoon in the garden.

Loud music and other noise

If you don't have neighbors who could bother you, you can play loud music in the attic. Metal parts threaded on a string and hung in hiding places or entry holes bother the bear.

Drive raccoons out of the garden

The raccoon isn't the only thing that can cause trouble in the garden, so it's important to first find out which animal it is. Raccoon tracks are easy to spot, especially in wet soil or snow, as they resemble a human hand. They don't look like typical cat or fox paw prints. If it is certain that a raccoon is in the garden, the following measures will help:

Evening walks with a flashlight

Since raccoons are mostly nocturnal, you too have to work later in the day.

As in the house, constant disturbance in the garden is unpleasant for the raccoon and it can be used to drive it away. Especially when the flashlight is shining on him and his actions are disturbed by being spoken to loudly or being sprayed with water from the garden hose.

water spray and light

In addition to the tours, devices that work with motion sensors and automatically spray water or turn on lights are useful. This not only drives away the little bears, but also other troublemakers, including cats.

Notice: In the garden you can hardly get rid of the bear with a home remedy because it simply avoids it. Some methods may be able to ensure that the bear no longer comes near the house.

prevention in the home

Preventing a raccoon from moving in is far more important and effective than driving a raccoon away. The following options have proven themselves at home:

To prevent raccoons, open garbage cans should be a thing of the past. Secure them with things like straps, padlocks, or a heavy rock.
  • Secure or lock garbage cans
  • Protect house facades with smooth sheet metal
  • Trim trees near the house
  • close the skylight
  • Fix loose roof shingles or holes in the roof
  • possibly use electricity, it is better to get advice from a specialist
  • Barbed wire doesn't work, the bears use it as a climbing aid or injure themselves

Caution: An unprotected roof can leak if the little bear gets in. The consequential damage can be large.

Prevention in the garden

You can also take some preventive measures in the garden that may ultimately make it unnecessary to actually drive away the raccoons:

  • Garden sheds, garages, possibly also greenhouses
  • do not dispose of leftovers in the compost
  • Secure trees with metal collars
  • these must be 60 cm wide and 60 cm high
  • remove low-hanging fruit and fallen fruit
  • picking up nuts

frequently asked Questions

What is the legal status of the raccoon?

The raccoon is not protected in Germany. It is also one of the invasive species and is hunted as such. It harms various native animal populations. If you have problems with the bear, it can be useful to ask the responsible hunting tenant for help.

Does the raccoon have natural enemies?

Larger predators such as foxes or wolves could become dangerous for the bear. Because it is a very good climber, however, it is difficult for predators to reach it. Also, most predators shy away from humans more than the raccoon, so natural predators will not get rid of them.

Are raccoons dangerous?

Basically they are shy and live very hidden during the day. However, when cornered, bears can scratch and bite. In any case, caution is advised. Individual animals could be infected with rabies.

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