Choosing a name for a pet is often the hardest part. This is also the case with new rabbits. So the name should definitely fit the fluffy friend. For a first overview, we present the TOP 100 most popular rabbit names here.
In a nutshell
- free choice of name
- different sources of inspiration
- popular names often assigned
Criteria for choosing a name
In general, there is not much to consider when it comes to rabbit names. Since rabbits, unlike dogs, for example, do not have to listen to their names, you can be completely free when choosing a name. Often the owners are inspired by the following characteristics:
- Look
- race
- gender
- character
- celebrities
- product names
You can also find names inspired by them in our top 100 rabbit names. The names of the top 100 are particularly popular. They are given very often. You've probably heard one or the other name.

Tip: Of course you can also choose a special rabbit name. How about a particularly strong name for a rabbit male? Or with your favorite city like Rome?
TOP 100 rabbit names
popular bunny names from A to F
- Abelia
- amadeus
- ambergris
- fishing rod
- Babette
- baloo
- beauty
- Bibi
- blackberry
- Blacky
- floret
- bobble
- bongo
- Bonnie
- brown
- brownie
- Bunny
- Calypso
- cappuccino
- carol
- Charlie
- choo
- cookie
- Daisy
- Don
- Drago
- Earl Grey
- Emmi
- espresso
- Fine
- Fiver
- Flame
- Flecki
- flips
- flake
- fox

Names for rabbits from G to N
- Gino
- goldie
- Goliath
- Hagar
- rabbit
- hazel
- Hobble
- skip
- jumbo
- Juno
- blob
- knocker
- crumbs
- long-eared
- lapin
- Lilly
- dandelion
- Lucy
- lulu
- Lumpy
- Luna
- Mats
- mousy
- Max
- master lamp
- Mimi
- Molly
- Morle
- mum
- Neo
- nessy

popular bunny names from O to Z
- Olli
- Oscar
- Paco
- Paul
- Pearl
- dots
- Rabbit
- rascal
- rambo
- editor
- rocky
- Romy
- turnip
- Rufus
- Checki
- snow white
- Snuffle
- chocolate
- smoky
- snowy
- Stella
- Stormy
- sunny
- Tick
- trixie
- Urmel
- Vlad
- Wanda
- whirlwind
- cloud
- fuzzy
- Xavi
- Zoro

Tip: If you have adopted several rabbits at the same time, matching rabbit names are great. How about "Bonnie and Clyde" or "Whirlwind and Cloud"?
frequently asked Questions
Is there a difference between hares and rabbits?Yes. Biologically speaking, both belong to the "hare-like" family, but they are different species. However, both are popularly referred to as rabbits. However, the biological difference plays no role in the choice of name.
Does a rabbit answer its name?No. Although rabbits are very intelligent animals, they have no memory of names. However, after enough training, your rabbit may start to listen to your voice.
Why Are These Bunny Names So Popular?That is different. Some are popular because they go well with looks or certain personality traits. Others are reminiscent of human names and sometimes act as "child substitutes". Still others have a beautiful meaning or sound beautiful.