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It is possible to drive away forest ants by gentle means, but it is not always necessary. Insects are very useful animals. How it works, you can find out here.

In a nutshell

  • Ants are beneficial
  • Aphid excretions attract the animals
  • Smells have a good effect
  • gentle means are ideally suited to expulsion
  • Preventing the spread is possible


The best way to repel wood ants is to deter them at the property line and not to offer them any preferred food. This includes:

  • Honeydew excretion of the aphids and the aphids themselves
  • leftovers
  • windfall
  • Insects such as isopods, spiders, ticks and beetles

Early control of aphids is therefore not only useful for affected plants. You should also avoid disposing of leftovers on the compost and remove fallen fruit as quickly as possible.

Natural garden

In a natural garden there are numerous beneficial organisms that maintain the balance. That way, a species can't spread too much. The following criteria are necessary for this:

  • avoid using pesticides
  • Plant bee pastures
  • Avoid monocultures
  • Provide shelter for animals
  • spread bird seed
  • Integrate bird baths and garden pond
  • Create a wild herb meadow

For the purpose of a pet-friendly and natural garden, leave the grass longer in at least one area and also create a variety of plants.

use smells

Like some smells that can attract ants, they are kept away from others. For example:

  • nettle manure
  • chili
  • intense smelling perfume
  • chervil
  • garlic broth
  • lavender
  • tea tree oil
  • thyme
  • juniper
  • vermouth broth
  • cinammon
  • lemon

Once you've spotted an ant trail, or even the whole state, you can repel the wood ants by spreading the scents. However, if the garden is used by children and pets, or if you like to walk barefoot in the area in question, you should erect a barrier first.

Notice: The application usually has to be repeated several times. This is especially true if it rains after spreading.


Wood ants create comparatively large buildings. However, the exits are not always easy to find. So look in areas that are sheltered and dry to only slightly damp. Among other things, the following are possible:

  • near food sources
  • under planters
  • between and under paving slabs and stones

Once you have found this, you can use water, because the animals do not like wetness. The building is therefore relocated within a short time. You may have to repeat the watering several times.


Instead of driving the ants away, they can also be relocated. You can build a kind of trap for this. All you need is an empty planter and a spade.

The following steps show the correct procedure:

1. Cover: Place a large flowerpot open-sided over the ant nest or one of the exits.

2. Waiting period: Wait a few days. During this time, the ants will gather under the planter and move the burrow underneath.

3. Observation: Check from time to time whether there are already many ants under the pot. A hustle and bustle indicates that the state is concentrated under cover.

4. Cut out & relocate: The construction is now dug out with a spade. To do this, dig as generously as possible around the flower pot and dig out the earth along with the animals and their offspring. The excavation can then be carried to a more suitable location.

Tip: For a longer transport, a suitable and securely lockable container is required from which the ants cannot escape. A storage box made of plastic is useful, for example.


If you cannot drive away the wood ants, you should seek professional help. An exterminator can relocate the nest and also check whether, for example, further protective measures are required to prevent further infestation.

Tip: If ants are in the house and have created a whole nest here - for example under the parquet floor - they can definitely cause damage. In these cases, an exterminator should be called in immediately.

frequently asked Questions

Do I have to drive away wood ants?

This is not absolutely necessary. Since these are useful animals, they can be left in the garden. Expulsion only makes sense if they are a nuisance or pose a threat.

What natural predators do wood ants have?

These include birds, larger spiders, toads, lizards, and small snakes. These can also occur in a near-natural garden and thus control the ant population.

Why are ants useful?

Because they eat other insects and get rid of their carcasses. They also remove rotten fruit and ensure good aeration of the soil by building their tunnels.

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