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You finally have a proud stallion as a companion? Then it is now a matter of finding a suitable elegant horse name. But that's not so easy. For some initial inspiration, here is a list of elegant and strong horse names for stallions.

In a nutshell

  • unique names in competition horses
  • seriousness of the names
  • matching elegant name meanings
  • Inspiration from strong gods

Criteria for choosing a name

An elegant and strong horse name is ideal for noble competition stallions. However, when choosing a name for these stallions, as with horse names for mares, certain criteria must be observed. Competition horses should have a horse name that is as long and unusual as possible. The reason for this is that each horse's name may only appear once in the FN register of the German Equestrian Federation. This criterion is irrelevant for leisure horses. In any case, you should pay attention to the following with elegant horse names for stallions:

  • no trivialities
  • no funny/inappropriate anecdotes
  • age independent
  • appropriate to the character of the horse
Elegant and strong horse names go particularly well with male competition horses.

Notice: You can also give a competition horse a classic, elegant name. If the name already appears in the FN register, a number will simply be added after your stallion's name at shows.

Horse names with elegant and strong meaning

Some horse names have a particularly elegant or strong meaning. This makes them perfect for describing the noble character of a proud stallion.

  • Acento (emphasis; accent)
  • Adonis (handsome man)
  • Adagio (the slow one; the cautious one)
  • Adalid (Leader)
  • Agrani (who comes first; first)
  • Ajas (lion)
  • Aldavinur (old friend)
  • Amante (immortal; the immortal)
  • Anselmo (who is under the protection of the gods)
  • Andvari (Caution; Vigilance)
  • Antar (famous warrior)
  • Aram (the calm; the peaceful)
  • Arfan (Gratitude)
  • Aric (the sole ruler)
  • Arisco (the aloof; aloof)
  • Asil (still, flowing water)
  • Andlangur (long-winded)
  • Azraff (elegant)
  • baron
  • lightning
  • Caballero (lord; knight; cavalier)
  • Cielo (sky)
  • Coloso (Colossus)
  • doni
  • Domino (Mr.)
  • Dorado (gilding)
  • Duke
  • earl
  • Eilifur (eternal)
  • Einfari (loner)
  • Farsæll (successful)
  • freedom
  • Garpur (hero)
  • gentleman
  • king
  • cosmos
  • Lumiere (Light)
  • Maharaja (Indian ruler)
  • Nightstorm (storm of the night)
  • Black (black)
  • Paladin (strong noble knight)
  • prince
  • rih (wind)
  • Röskur (nimble; quick)
  • shadow
  • spirit
  • thunder
"Duke" loves trips to his pastures and fields.

gods as inspiration

Hardly anyone embodies power and elegance better than the ancient gods. Their names are therefore particularly suitable as elegant and strong horse names for stallions.

  • Aiolos (gr. god of winds)
  • Alator (celtic god of war and salvation)
  • Alisanus (celt. god of rivers, rocks and forests)
  • Apollon (greek god of light and healing)
  • Ares (Greek god of war and massacre)
  • Balder (northern god of wisdom, purity, beauty and virtue)
  • Camulos (celtic god of war)
  • Erebos (gr. god of darkness)
  • Esus (celt. god of trade and travel)
  • Faunus (Roman god of forest and pasture)
  • Harendotes (Egyptian tutelary god)
  • Hehet (Egyptian god of infinity)
  • Hercules (Roman god of travel and sport)
  • Hermes (gr. patron god of traffic and travellers)
  • Hönir (northern god of silence and cultic acts)
  • Horus (Egyptian god of heaven, worlds and light)
  • Kratos (gr. god of power)
  • Mandulis (Egyptian sun god)
  • Neptune (Roman god of the sea)
  • Odin (Northern father of the gods)
  • Poseidon (gr. god of the sea)
  • Reshef (Egyptian god of war)
  • Zelos (gr. god of zeal)
  • Zeus (supreme Greek god)
A divine horse name like "Kratos" is perfect for this strong and elegant stallion.

Tip: Famous horses can also serve as a model for your stallion's strong and elegant name. How about, for example, Hasufel from "Lord of the Rings" or "Iltschi" from Winnetou?

Elegant sounding horse names

But there are also horse names for stallions that simply sound elegant or strong. They mostly resemble typical human names and have a long tradition. So they bring the elegance of bygone times with them.

  • Abacio
  • Abiel
  • Abraxas
  • Agnar
  • aiden
  • Alfons
  • Alvar
  • amadeus
  • Archibald
  • Atlan
  • avalon
  • Bakur
  • Baldvin
  • baloo
  • Bjolfur
  • Bolino
  • carol
  • Danza
  • Dario
  • Darko
  • Dinus
  • Dulcifal
  • Dumbur
  • Ehrwald
  • Felix
  • Fernando
  • flavio
  • Franmar
  • French
  • Frostan
  • Helmut
  • Icarus
  • Jack
  • Jaro
  • Khaleesi
  • Konrad
  • Kuno
  • Lancelot
  • Leopold
  • liam
  • Lucius
  • Ludwig
  • Nero
  • Oisin
  • Oscar
  • pinot
  • renoir
  • Rigoletto
  • Sacho
  • Svalinn
  • Theobald
  • Tristan
  • Umberto
  • Wilhelm
Old-fashioned names like "Tristan" are particularly elegant.

Tip: Not only German names have a long tradition. That is why you will also find names from other countries in the list. You can also take a closer look at these countries. How about an Icelandic horse name?

frequently asked Questions

My stallion already had a previous owner. Can I change the name now?

Yes. However, it is best to choose a similar name. You can also keep longer names and simply introduce a new short nickname. However, renaming in the context of tournament horses is sometimes associated with costs.

When should I give my stallion an elegant and strong horse name?

You can give each horse an elegant name. Of course, the name fits best if the stallion also has an elegant character. But even if your horse inspires awe, the names are a good choice.

Does my stallion answer to his name?

Possible: Horses filter important sounds from their environment and recognize them thanks to their memory. Whether the horse's name falls into this category depends on the horse. However, horses often listen to commands such as “step” or “stop”.

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