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With a tasteful autumn planting, a breath of fresh air comes into the balcony design. Geraniums, petunias and other summer flowers have lost their beauty, making a floral changing of the guard a must. A colorful array of easy-care flowers lets balcony boxes shine in warm, autumnal tones. Instead of bright sunny yellow, fiery red and bright pink, dark orange, elegant Bordeaux red and stylish blackberry violet now set the tone. This handpicked selection presents 20 grateful flowers for sunny and shady balconies in autumnal garb.

autumn planting

south balcony

Autumn blossoms until the first frost - ideas for the south-facing balcony

A balcony on the south side of the house is the favorite option for hobby gardeners. Here the plants can enjoy the sun from morning to late afternoon. This opens up a wide range of options for magnificent autumn planting, which will transform your balcony boxes into a sea of flowers. Midday heat and blazing sunshine pose special challenges in the first autumn months, which not all species and varieties can cope with. The following list introduces you to recommended ornamental plants for the autumnal south-facing balcony.

Pillow Aster (Aster dumosus)

The sun worshipers within the aster family remain below a stature height of 50 cm and thrive in a hemispherical shape. These characteristics make cushion asters a prime example of furious autumn planting. Diverse varieties make you spoiled for choice. The range extends from 'Blue Lagoon' with blue-violet flowers to 'Jenny' with semi-double, crimson flowers to 'Apollo' with flowers similar to daisies.

  • Growth height: 25 to 50 cm
  • Flowering period: late August to late October and longer
Pillow Aster, Aster dumosus

Origanum laevigatum 'Hopley')

With red-violet flower clusters, bushy growth and a seductive scent, the grateful permanent bloomer sets the scene on the south-facing balcony. The decorative attributes of Blumen-Dost make it easy to forget that this plant is only used for decoration and is not suitable as a kitchen herb. The pretty flowers are long-lasting, so resourceful housewives like to use them for scented sachets in the linen cupboard.

  • Growth height: 30 to 45 cm
  • Flowering period: August until the first frost
Flower Dost, Origanum laevigatum

Alpine scabious (Scabiosa lucida)

The alpine scabious provides convincing proof that wild flowers are an enrichment for autumn window boxes. The focus is on the scabious species from the Central European mountains because it remains significantly smaller than its conspecifics and their cultivars. The blue-violet flower heads are a feast for the eyes and at the same time magically attract hordes of butterflies and insects. Since the natural jewels thrive for several years, we recommend relocating them to the sunny rock garden at the end of the flowering period.

  • Growth height: 20 to 30 cm
  • Flowering period: August to October
Alpine scabious, Scabiosa lucida


The extensive family of succulent plants gives us a wide range of sedum species for creative autumn planting. The succulent ornamental plants put on a lavish dress of starry blossoms in autumn that draws everyone's attention. The magnificent Bacopa (Sedum spectabile 'Brillant') is a shining example of the wide range of design variants. In order to be able to enjoy the up to 10 cm large, purple-red umbels of flowers, you need a location in full sun and regular watering. At the end of the flowering period, all Sedum species develop attractive seed pods that embellish south-facing balconies until autumn.

  • Growth height: 25 to 45 cm
  • Flowering period: August and September

Pearl daisies (Anaphalis triplinervis 'Silver Rain')

The pearl basket 'Silver Rain' lives up to its name. If white blooms are a key component on your fall planting wish list, then the late bloomer is an excellent choice. Dense clusters of flowers form in full sun, so that the silvery, hairy leaves can hardly be seen. If you cut off one or the other flower stalk as an autumn vase decoration, the cut will not be noticeable in the silvery-white sea of flowers. The modest care program is limited to watering when it is dry, because pearl caps love poor soil.

  • Growth height: 20 to 30 cm
  • Flowering period: August until the first frost
Pearly daisy, Anaphalis triplinervis

Autumn cranesbill (Geranium sanguineum hybrid 'Dilys')

The latest flowering geranium variety should not be missing in this selection for autumn planting. The 'Dilys' variety needs plenty of sun to develop its crimson-carmine pink flowers. The growth as a spreading climber opens up the possibility of cultivation in balcony boxes with an integrated trellis. Thus, the sunny balcony receives a blossom-rich privacy screen until the first frost.

  • Growth height: 20 to 50 cm
  • Flowering period: August to November
Autumn Cranesbill, Geranium sanguineum

Autumn Catchfly (Silene schafta 'Splendens')

These fall bloomers have everything we could want from grateful flowers for sunny balcony boxes. Autumn catchfly is almost indestructible, requires no pruning and is not fertilized. Without much fuss, the plant blooms profusely. The 'Splendens' variety creates a deep pink flower dress that spreads out like a colorful carpet in the flower box. The dark green, lanceolate leaves form a pretty contrast to the autumnal sea of blossoms.

  • Growth height: 10 to 15 cm
  • Flowering period: August to October
Autumn catchfly, Silene schafta

Greenland Marguerite (Arctanthemum arcticum)

Are you still missing a bee pasture for successful autumn planting? Then the gorgeous Greenland daisy comes into focus. The ornamental plant is native to arctic regions, so it has a robust constitution. Its white, yellow-eyed ray flowers are a favorite destination for bees, bumblebees, and butterflies as the season draws to a close. Stonecrop and cushion aster are the ideal plant neighbors.

  • Growth height: 20 to 30 cm
  • Flowering period: October to November
Greenland Marguerite, Arctanthemum arcticum

Autumn gentian (Gentiana sino-ornata)

The rustic atmosphere of the Alps finds its way onto your sunny balcony if you integrate autumn gentian into the autumn planting. Dark blue calyx flowers and cushion-shaped growth characterize this easy-care autumn bloomer. In addition to the sunny conditions, an acidic, lean substrate is the basic requirement for vigorous growth and a long flowering period. Associated with native sundew species, autumn gentian forms a unique appearance, because both plant species pull together in terms of their frugal care requirements.

  • Growth height: 10 to 15 cm
  • Flowering period: September and October
Autumn gentian, Gentiana sino-ornata

Winter Aster (Chrysanthemum x hortorum 'Snow Cloud')

Most chrysanthemum species grow too large and space-consuming to be cultivated in balcony boxes. How good that the winter aster 'Schneewolke' makes an exception. The more sunbeams reach the flowers, the more opulent the blooms unfold. The white flowers are semi-double and take on a light yellow hue towards the middle. Clean wilted inflorescences regularly, the flowers will last until the first frost.

  • Growth height: 25 to 35 cm
  • Flowering time: September to November and longer

Tip: With the right autumn decoration you give your flower boxes the finishing touch. Arrange colorful ornamental gourds and ornamental apples between the flowers. Dried corn cobs decorated with colorful ribbons stylishly round off any natural autumn planting.

Winter Aster, Hortorum


Floral decorations for the east and west balconies - tips for partially shaded locations

Mild sunshine on the east-facing balcony in autumn invites you to a hearty breakfast amidst the blossoms that have already awakened. On the west-facing balcony you can enjoy a well-deserved end of work in the late afternoon with a view of the tasteful autumn plants. The selection of species and varieties is greatest in these semi-shady locations. Browse our leaderboard here.

Carpet Myrtle Aster (Aster ericoides 'Snowflurry')

When flower boxes are adorned with a waterfall of white flowers in autumn, the grateful carpet myrtle aster 'Snowflurry' does its decorative work. The shoots crawling on the ground are covered all over with white flowers. As autumn planting in balcony boxes, the tendrils dangle gracefully. The flowers are not only extremely easy to care for, but also very robust. After the first nightly frosts, they continue their flower spectacle unimpressed.

  • Growth length: 15 to 30 cm
  • Flowering time: from September
Carpet Myrtle Aster, Aster ericoides

Marigold (tagetes)

The marigold is the epitome of a rewarding flower beauty for autumn floral decorations. The ornamental plants trump in warm orange, yellow-brown to dark red color nuances, and in no time at all they gather to form thick bushes of flowers. The new variety 'Chasca', whose golden-yellow flower balls compete with the autumn sun, is very popular. After the first frost, the one-year-old marigolds die off, meaning that no precautions need to be taken for overwintering.

  • Growth height: 20 to 30 cm
  • Flowering period: August to November/December
Marigold, marigolds

Autumn anemone (Anemone japonica 'Wild Swan')

White cup-shaped flowers with a pink underside characterize the appearance of the 'Wild Swan' autumn anemone. The elegant flowers prefer a spot in the semi-shade, as they are used to from their Asian locations along the forests. A further premise is a wind-protected location so that the filigree beauties do not tip over. If these wishes are fulfilled, care is limited to regular watering and monthly fertilizing.

  • Growth height: 30 to 40 cm
  • Flowering period: July to November
Autumn anemone, Anemone japonica

Bergenia (Bergenia cordifolia 'Autumn Blossom')

If you are looking for a planting for balcony boxes with autumn flowers and winter foliage, the Bergenia 'Autumn Blossom' is just the thing. Following the dark pink blooms, the evergreen leaves take on a reddish hue, creating pretty splashes of color during the darker months. West and east balconies offer the grateful Bergenia variety the ideal conditions, because the pretty foliage could languish under blazing sunlight.

  • Growth height: 25 to 35 cm
  • Flowering period: September and October
Bergenia, Bergenia

Autumn cyclamen (Cyclamen hederifolium)

A classic for autumn planting comes with a distinctive charm and good-natured serenity. The autumn cyclamen is not useful in partially shaded perennial beds with flowering stocks. The pink-colored blossoms are also suitable for half-shady balconies. The only downer is the poison content, so the cultivation of cyclamen in the family household is not recommended.

  • Growth height: 10 to 15 cm
  • Flowering period: August to October

Tip: Wrap your balcony boxes in a warm autumn coat in good time. Jute ribbons in typical autumn colors are decorative and practical for this purpose. A cover made of green garden fleece is creative and protective at the same time, fixed with red braided cords.

Autumn Cyclamen, Cyclamen hederifolium

north balcony

Leaf decorations for the autumn balcony - inspiration for north-facing balconies

Balconies on the north side are shaded at all times of the year, leaving flowers with lavish blooms at a disadvantage. The following species and varieties shine in autumn balcony boxes with a shade-tolerant combination of delicate flowers and opulent foliage.

Purple Bells (Heuchera)

The short flowering period in summer marks only the floral overture. Purple bells only show their most beautiful side in autumn, when their spectacular decorative leaves are in the limelight. Representing the immense variety of varieties, we recommend the grateful silver leaf purple bell. The strain with the promising name 'Mint Frost' boasts mint green foliage that is streaked with a network of dark green veins. When the temperatures drop, the shapely leaves take on a soft pink color that harmonises perfectly with the reddish stems.

  • Flowering time: in summer
  • Growth height: 25 to 40 cm
Purple bells, Heuchera

Dwarf Funkie (Hosta x tardiana 'El Nino')

Two-tone decorative leaves and light violet flowers characterize the shade-tolerant premium Funkie. In contrast to their majestic counterparts in the perennial bed, the ornamental leaf plant is limited to a growth height suitable for balcony boxes. The grey-blue-green leaves with a cream-colored border are evergreen, so that thanks to 'El Nino' a north-facing balcony is never without floral decoration at any time of the year.

  • Growth height: 25 to 40 cm
  • Flowering period: August and September
Dwarf Funkie, Hosta tardiana

Forest Aster, Bulky Aster (Aster divaricatus 'Tradescant')

From the versatile aster family comes a variety that delights us with white flowers in low-light locations. Since the natural occurrence of Aster divaricatus extends to semi-shady to shady forest locations, the flowers are used to grief when it comes to light supply. The compact variety 'Tradescant' is particularly suitable for balconies facing north. After the flowering period, the pretty, feathery seed pods don't leave any sadness on the shady balcony until well into winter.

  • Growth height: 30 to 40 cm
  • Flowering period: August to October
White Forest Aster, Aster divaricatus

Lily cluster (Liriope muscari)

The tautly erect flower stalks of lily clusters are embedded in a grassy tuft of leaves. This habit qualifies the Asian bulbous flowers for life in beds and flower boxes alike. In terms of lighting conditions, the picturesque beauties are not choosy, so they can be considered for almost all balconies. Only the direct sunlight on the south side of the house cannot stand lily clusters.

  • Growth height: 20 to 30 cm
  • Flowering period: August to October
Lily cluster, Liriope muscari

Autumn saxifrage (Saxifraga cortusifolia var. fortunei)

All year round, autumn saxifrage attracts attention with its shiny green leaves. At the end of the season comes the decorative icing on the cake in the form of a white veil blossom that floats delicately over the strong decorative leaves. The 'Rubrifolia' variety impresses with red flower stalks, which contrast impressively with the white flowers and light green leaves. North balconies are the preferred refuge for the grateful ornamental plants from the shady forests of Asia.

  • Growth height: 15 to 30 cm
  • Flowering time: September to November
Fall Saxifrage, Saxifraga cortusifolia

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