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Some plants grow extremely rampant, so that this can hardly be stopped. This also applies to the wild blackberry bush, which is considered a true survivor. The sometimes immense rooting and its spines make removal just as difficult as moving. This should be done with caution. The plant expert explains what is important and provides professional instructions that allow the removal and relocation to be carried out optimally.
Protective clothing is the be-all and end-all
The thorns from a bramble bush can cut deep into the skin and cause very painful injuries. The thin, pointed spines can also break off and infections trigger if they are not professionally removed from the skin. If the eye is injured, this can, in the worst case, result in serious and permanent impairment of the eyesight. For the reasons mentioned, it is essential to put on protective clothing before starting work. This should consist of at least the following:
- safety goggles
- Thick, densely woven and long-sleeved sweater or corresponding jacket
- Gloves made of solid material - classic leather work gloves or special rose gloves are ideal
- Long trousers
- Closed shoes
To cut
Whether a bramble bush is to be removed or transplanted, the same preparation is required in each case: a prior one To cut.
First, cut off the blackberry tendrils. Especially with older plants, they have usually formed a blanket thicket that does not allow them to get through. The procedure is as follows:
- Cut off the entire growth about 20 centimeters above the ground with sharp pruning shears
- Squeeze tendrils into bundles with your hands and pull out
- Using a pruning shears with a telescopic rod protects against injuries from the spikes
- Has the disadvantage that each shoot has to be cut through individually
- Using a brush cutter with a brush cutter will do the job more comfortably
- Requires additional protective clothing such as safety shoes with steel toe caps, hearing protection and a safety helmet with a visor
tip: Do not simply leave cut tendrils of blackberries on the ground or dispose of them in the compost, as they can quickly sprout again and grow a new bush. Burn the tendrils or shred them in the shredder.
Remove blackberry bush
Trim plant parts
In order to get to the roots better and without prick injuries, bramble bushes should always be removed at the planned distance cut far back will. Shorten all branches and shoots so that only a stump of about 30 to 40 centimeters in length remains. It has to be the right length so that you can pull the bush out of the ground in the next step. If you cut the plant too short, you may not be able to exert enough pressure to pull it out.
Dig out
When all tendrils have been cut off, digging takes place. The professional approach is as follows:
- Remove the carpet of roots with a spade (blackberry bushes are flat-rooted)
- Do this piece by piece
- The removal is finished when the blackberry bush can be detached from the ground
- If you press the remaining "stump" in all directions, the remaining root connections will loosen better
- The wider you dig out the root carpet, the more roots you can pull out with the plant
remove roots
To prevent new blackberries from developing from remaining root remains, these should be removed from the ground after the plant has been dug up. Depending on the size of the shrub being dug up and the root reach, the soil in the area should be dug up at least 20 centimeters deep. Afterwards you can root remains pick up and dispose of by hand.
tip: In the following months, check the area regularly for any root residue that may still be present. In this way you can prevent renewed growth in good time if there are still root remains in the soil.
Transplant blackberries
If the shrub is to be preserved and continue to provide wild blackberries, but removed from its location, it can be planted elsewhere. A few details must be observed and a certain procedure followed when planting and planting.
New location
Often sit down wild blackberries into the garden without human intervention. As a rule, this only happens in a place where they feel comfortable and where their needs are optimally met. If you replant the shrub, it is important to choose an optimal location. This should meet a few conditions:
- Light conditions: moderately sunny to semi-shady
- Sheltered from the wind: place sheltered above all from easterly winds
- Ideal location: in front of a wall
Best time to transplant
Theoretically, blackberry bushes can be transplanted throughout the growing season. However, spring up to the end of April always proves to be the best time. Then existing one-year-old rods still have the chance to grow wild blackberries that year. If the transplant takes place later, you will most likely have to forego a harvest that year.
Transplanting a blackberry bush: instructions
Plant hole preparation
Before you plant the blackberry bush, the planting hole should be prepared. The roots tend to dry out quickly, so you should replant them quickly after planting them out. Proceed as follows:
- Dig a planting hole at a suitable location with dimensions of at least 50x50x50 centimetres
- Soak well
- Cover the ground with a layer of horse manure, chicken manure, cow manure pellets, or mulched grass clippings
- Mix the excavated soil with the fertilizer as well
If you want to fight and control the spread of the blackberry bush, we recommend one root barrier around the planting hole.
root barrier
To combat uncontrolled blackberry growth and/or prevent root spread into a neighbor's yard, place a root barrier. The ideal time is when transplanting a shrub. You can also put the root barrier into the ground afterwards, but you shouldn't wait too long to do so. Once the roots have established themselves, it is difficult to get into the soil near the shrub without damaging the roots.
A root barrier is created as follows:
- Dig a trench five to ten centimeters wide around the planting hole/bramble bush
- Wider trench means more work to fill in
- Choose a distance from the shrub that will limit root growth
- Trench should have a depth of about 30 centimeters
- Place plastic sheeting 30 centimeters wide vertically in the ditch
- Foil end should touch the bottom of the trench
- Hold onto the upper part of the foil and pour the trench again
- Medium-thick pond liner is best suited - the blackberry roots cannot get through this
The excavation for transplanting is in principle similar to that for removing the shrubs, as previously described. However, the affected shrub is not pruned or only slightly pruned beforehand. The exception are the tendrils, which complicate or even prevent an excavation. These are then cut off as with the removal.
The excavation works best if you stick to the following points:
- Carefully lift the carpet of roots with a spade
- Work piece by piece from the outside in to the trunk
- Dig about ten to 20 centimeters deep in order to loosen as many roots as possible from the soil
- Damage roots as little as possible
- If roots are exposed, carefully pull up the shrub
- Leave soil residue at the roots
Once the planting hole has been prepared, planting can begin immediately after digging, as described below:
- Put shrub in planting hole
- Place protruding flat roots in the planting hole - if necessary, place them in a circle if they are too long
- Fill up the excavated soil up to about half of the planting hole
- Soak another five to six shovelfuls of soil well and spread them evenly in the planting hole
- Close the planting hole with the remaining excavated soil
- Press the soil down well
- Pay attention to continuous soil moisture for the next few days
- Do not water in frost