Nature is a creative designer. She gives us enchantingly shaped blossoms in abundance. Mixes up the color palette from all possible colors and adds intoxicating scents to some specimens. A feast for our eyes and noses. However, many of these flowers are still edible. Go on a tasteful journey of discovery through your home garden, forest or meadow. Our list tells you when you can taste the flowers.

Edible flowers

Whether as an eye-catcher on the salad or as an enchanting cake decoration, edible flowers really make a difference. The list of consumable flowers is long. We present some of the tasty flowers in the following article.

Edible flowers from A - D


Asters are good for serving food. Depending on the variety, they bloom from May to November. The following applies to them: the more intense the color of the blossom, the more aromatic it tastes.

wild garlic

When the white umbels of flowers appear from April, they can be collected together with the leaves. They are rich in vitamin C, iron, magnesium and, above all, essential oils. These are also what give food a slightly pungent, mustard-like taste.


Borage provides edible flowers that have a sweet taste. When used in salads, the vinegar turns them red. They can also be candied with sugar to enrich desserts. They bloom from June to the first frost.


Caution is called for here, because not all varieties are edible. However, you can eat petals of the variety known by the following names without hesitation:

  • edible chrysanthemum
  • lettuce chrysanthemum
  • gold flower
  • Chrysanthemum coronarium

The flowers appear from July to September. However, only the petals are eaten. They taste great in salads and desserts.

Chrysanthemum coronarium


Poisonous? Are you kidding me? Are you serious when you say that! Dahlia blossoms invite us to a spicy and sour treat. The different colored plants conjure up color in cocktails, soups or salads and bloom all summer long. Only the frost makes them unusable.

scented geraniums

When it comes to edible flowers, scented geraniums are a must-have. But, strictly speaking, they are scented pelargoniums. The numerous varieties differ not only in color. They also offer a wide spectrum of aromas: apple, pine resin, nutmeg, ginger, orange, peach and lemon. From May to September, try which of them appeals to your taste buds.

Sweet Violet

From March to April we can discover edible purple flowers in the garden and in the wild. More rarely, the sweet violet is also available in white and pink. If they grow far from exhaust fumes, be sure to try them. They are a delicacy, and not just for butterflies.

Edible flowers from E - G

Ice Begonias

For connoisseurs, the colorful flowers of ice begonia are the first choice when it comes to their use in the kitchen. They are sour, juicy and crunchy. Ideal for all dishes that are prepared with vinegar or lemon. From May until the first frost they wait to be used.

Begonia x semperflorens cultorum, polar begonia


When it comes to lilacs, opinions differ. While some amateur chefs praise recipes with the purple flowers, others warn against consumption. In fact, the plant contains mild toxins. This can also be seen from the fact that the sweet-smelling flower tastes a bit bitter. But the amount of poison is so small that it cannot really pose a threat to us. Depending on the variety, lilacs bloom from April to July.


The daisy is a gift from nature, nobody has to cultivate it specifically. Buds and slightly opened flowers taste nutty. They can be gathered for eating between March and June. Older specimens taste more bitter, but are still edible.

Spice marigolds

All marigold varieties are edible, but not all are aromatic. Here are a few suitable tagetes specimens:

  • fenuifolia has a citrus aroma
  • lucida and tagetes minuta taste like aniseed
  • filifolia is reminiscent of liquorice

The floriferous plant puts out its first buds as early as May.

Spice marigolds, Tagetes lucida


When the bluebells bloom between June and August, you can also look forward to the colorful gifts. Slightly sweet and pleasant, they are versatile in the kitchen.

However, sensitive people should avoid the bluebells, as their non-toxicity has not yet been clearly proven. However, the following varieties are considered particularly digestible:

  • Meadow Bellflower (Campanula patula)
  • Peach-leaved Bellflower (Campanula persicifolia)
  • Hanging bellflower (Campanula poscharskyana)
  • Dwarf bellflower (Campanula cochtearifolia)
  • Rapunzel bellflower (Campanula rapunculus)

tip: Process freshly picked bluebells quickly, as they do not keep very long. After a short time they collapse and look unappetizingly brown.

Edible Flowers by H - K


Word has already got around that the finely scented, white elderflowers are edible. There are numerous recipes for syrup, jelly or jam. From May, the shrub adorns itself with them. Fresh elderflowers taste particularly delicious when baked in pancake batter.

tip: After picking, gently shake out the flower umbels. Small insects often crawl into it, which fall out when shaken.

Horned Violet

Horned violet flowers come in white, pink, purple, red, orange, blue, yellow, black and even multicolored. These are edible gems that any creative cook would love. There is hardly any food that you cannot decorate: fruit salads, cakes, puddings, vegetable salads and much more. m. April to June is the main flowering period, with a second flowering period in autumn.


The flowers of the nasturtium are simple in shape, but they shine bright orange. They are high-contrast splashes of color in every green salad. But that's not all. They also set taste accents. Intensely spicy, with a touch of spiciness. Depending on when it was sown, this thoroughly healthy plant can bloom as early as June or later.


The flowers of the clover can be used fresh, pickled or dried in the preparation of food. Depending on the location, the plants bloom earlier and later. The time frame is from May to October. Eat clover in moderation, however, as it contains a lot of oxalic acid, similar to spinach.


The bright blue cornflowers are also edible. However, their aroma is weak and somewhat bitter. For this reason, they are mainly used in the kitchen because of their beautiful colour. Preplanted plants already flower in June. You can find this cooking ingredient in the garden until October.

Edible flowers of L - P


Of the many varieties of lavender, true lavender is the edible variety. Its flowers in particular are mild and sweet. They can be used fresh in July and August, but are also easy to dry. Their scent enriches Mediterranean spice mixtures. Sugar mixed with lavender flowers takes on a delightful scent after a week.


Every child knows the yellow flower, also known as cow flower. But only a few know that it also tastes good. The sweet taste is suitable for jams, jellies and syrups. You can also place the edible yellow flowers decoratively on fruit salads and cakes.


The different mallows bloom at different times. The first start in May. Mallow blossoms taste pleasantly sweet. The mucilage they contain makes them a healthy flower snack. Dried flowers can be used to make a delicious, healthy tea.


You can eat these white flowers. For example, pure in a salad. Not only do they taste good, they are also healthy. Thus, their healing ingredients are antispasmodic and sedative. The flowering period is from May to October.


Edible flowers of carnations are in such high demand that Pentecost and Imperial carnations are even deliberately cultivated as edible cloves. The white part of a petal tastes slightly bitter. It should therefore be removed for the preparation of desserts. This delicacy is ready to harvest from May.


This type of flower is also known as flame flower. It smells and has an intense taste. You can use it to spice up salads or refine spreads. For desserts, it can be used fresh or candied. Early blooming varieties give us the first colorful flowers as early as April.

Edible flowers from R - S


The whole blossom of the marigold is usually not eaten, but the petals are plucked off. They have a bright orange color that makes them stand out in any meal. Harvest time is June to October.

tip: The petals can also be added to cooking food. Do not add them until near the end of the cooking time, or they will turn an unsightly brown color.


Edible real rose petals are at the top of any list of edible flowers. However, they should not be treated with toxic pesticides, as is often the case with roses in store-bought bouquets. Blossoms that are harmless in this respect can be processed into jelly or liqueur. The petals can also be candied. But they can also be eaten raw. For example as a salad ingredient.


Between March and June you can pick the tender, yellow flowers of the cowslip and use them in your cooking. Either raw in salads, as an ingredient in a soup or as a decoration for desserts. Their sweet taste is also liked by children.

notice: Only use cultivated cowslips. Wild specimens are protected and may not be picked or dug up.


It doesn't matter when you use your chives for cooking. The heyday does not limit its use. But on the contrary. You can eat both buds and fully opened flowers. Depending on the weather, chives can bloom from March to October.


The flowers of all types of pansies are shapely, colorful feasts for the eyes. So it makes sense to use them as an ornament when cooking. Fresh in salads or candied on cakes. But you shouldn't miss the taste of these fragrant flowers either. Its aroma is delicate. Pansies can flower from April to October, depending on when they are sown.

Edible flowers from T - Z


In East Asia, daylilies are something of an everyday cooking ingredient. The young buds taste fresh, crisp and slightly sweet. The flowers can be eaten raw. But it is also possible to dry them. Flowering times for the various varieties extend from May to September.

yellow-red daylily

forget Me Not

Snap the little blue flowers off the stalks and sprinkle them over your food. Whenever it suits you. The flowers are edible gifts of nature and even delicious. You can also candy them or use them as a floral insert for ice cubes. Depending on the species, the flowering season can start in April and end in October.


While small zucchini are allowed to develop on the female zucchini flowers, you can eat male specimens immediately. Baked crispy in the pond, they are a delicacy. If you browse the web, you will find many more flower recipes. It is important that the golden yellow specimens are harvested shortly before opening.

tip: Male zucchini flowers are easily recognized by their long, thin stalks.
