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A pool in your own garden is a small paradise on earth for many. In summer, the cool water not only offers welcome cooling, a large enough pool is also suitable for water aerobics. The prerequisite for this, however, is that the pool is of a suitable size. The pool depth later plays a major role in how the swimming pool can be used, but also how complex the maintenance of the pool is.

water depth in the pool

When planning your own pool for the garden, the right water depth plays an important role. After all, bathing pleasure depends on it. Would you like to use the pool for swimming or should it only be enough for splashing about? In the following article you will learn everything about the right pool depth.

Pool depth for babies

Even the little ones enjoy splashing about in the water. It is also a welcome cool down in summer when the temperatures are very hot. Babies and water is always a touchy subject, however, as toddlers are allowed never unattended be in the water. Even shallow water can become dangerous for them.
The water depth for babies should be limited to a few centimetres. The water level should be well below 10 cm and even then babies should never be alone in the pool.

notice: Many parents introduce their children to the water as early as possible. This reduces the risk of children being frightened by the water.

Bathing fun for children

The pool can be a little deeper for older children, they usually romp around wildly and should then be caught by the water. However, a distinction must be made as to whether the children can already swim independently or whether they still need a swimming aid.

If the pool is only intended for letting off steam, it does not have to be particularly deep. A depth of up to 60 cm is sufficient for splashing around. The children should still be able to stand in it and most of their torsos should be above the water. This also applies if the children are still in the phase in which they are still moving in the water with swimming aids. Being able to put your feet up at any time and to rise above the water surface gives you more confidence to learn to swim.

Children of different heights in particular have different requirements with regard to the depth of the pelvis. Larger pools that are permanently installed are often divided into zones with different water depths. However, even in this case, children should not move around in the water unsupervised.

In the standard pools, the water depth is based on the average height of the children.

  • from the age of three until about the start of school: 60 cm
  • from the first class: 85 cm
  • from eight years: 1 m

Pool depth for water aerobics

If you also want to do sports in the pool, you have to pay attention to a minimum depth. Above all, water aerobics in your own pool are becoming more and more popular, because exercise in the water is particularly easy on the joints. Here you can use the pools of swimming pools as a guide. These have an average depth of 1.20 - 1.50 m, which is also the ideal depth if you want to use the pool for aquatic gymnastics.

Body size as a guide

It is ideal if a new pool is optimally adapted to the body size of the future user. As a rule of thumb to find the optimal depth, add 30 cm to your height. However, this has the disadvantage that most pools already have too little water depth for swimming in advance. This is because pools that are less than 5 feet deep typically do not require planning permission.

If a diving pool is planned, it is particularly important how deep the pool is, otherwise serious injuries can result from a jump. For pools with a diving tower, the following guide values apply to the water depth:

  • 3 meter board: 3.50 m
  • 5 meter tower: 4 m
  • 10 meter tower: 5 m

However, the height as a guideline for adults only applies if they can also swim.

Non-swimmers should pay attention to the following points:

  • Shallow water zone up to the basin
  • Deep water zone up to the chest

Legal Provisions

How deep a pool is is also regulated by law in the building code. Each municipality can make its own rules here. However, most regulations state that a pool with a length of 8 m and a water depth of 1.50 m does not require a permit.

However, what the actual regulations look like must always be clarified with the responsible building authority. Due to the constantly increasing number of inquiries, information material is already available from many public authorities, up to which size no permit is required or whether a notification to the responsible building authority is sufficient.

notice: Always check with the relevant authority beforehand, as regulations are subject to change. Customers are often misinformed in sales talks and then buy expensive pools that they are not allowed to set up.

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