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Nettles (Urtica) are not popular with most people. But in the form of nettle manure, especially in the garden, real all-rounders in terms of plant health.

In a nutshell

  • Nettle manure is easy to make, effective and ecological
  • One of the best organic fertilizers and a panacea in the home garden
  • Manure contains a lot of nitrogen, potassium and silicic acid
  • Nutrients are immediately available for the plants
  • With a few exceptions, it is very well tolerated by most plants

Shelf life of nettle manure

Even if stinging nettles are often perceived as annoying weeds, they are a blessing for many plants. A liquid manure made from stinging nettles strengthens them in a completely natural way. It takes about two to three weeks until liquid manure is produced. It is then sieved and the solids thrown away in the compost where they still serve well. There are different opinions about the durability of this plant manure.

  • Well covered and stored in suitable containers, they will keep for about four to six weeks
  • Choose a cool and dark place outdoors for a good shelf life
  • If possible not in heavily frequented places, because of the intense smell
  • Do not expose manure to direct sunlight
  • Sun exposure can destroy important ingredients
  • Mass could start to mold
  • Manure loses its fertilizing power and insecticidal effect after two to four weeks

Tip: From autumn, when fertilizer is no longer used, you can spread the manure on harvested vegetable beds and put a thick layer of mulch on top. So the beds are well prepared for the winter.

Not every container is suitable for storage

The right container is an important factor when preparing, storing and ultimately keeping nettle manure. Metal vessels are completely unsuitable, they could cause a chemical reaction with the liquid manure. Plastic, ceramic and glass containers as well as wooden tubs are suitable. Regardless of the type of container, it should have an air-permeable cover. This can be a board, cloth or jute fabric. The cover is intended to prevent the liquid manure from being watered down by rain or foreign objects and small animals falling into it. An airtight cover is not advisable, because the components of the nettle manure require oxygen.

Tip: When storing plant manure, it should be remembered that it smells very bad. It is therefore often better to only produce smaller quantities and prepare a new manure if necessary.

frequently asked Questions

What is the difference between nettle manure and nettle broth?

While liquid manure is mainly used for fertilizing, the brew or broth has hardly any fertilizing effect. As a result, nettle broth is used partly to combat pests, but above all to strengthen plants. Manure generally has a slightly longer shelf life than the brew, which should be used up fresh within a week.

How is the plant manure dosed correctly?

To improve the soil (basic or reserve fertilization), spread the undiluted liquid manure on the soil in spring and work it in. For fertilizing it must always be diluted. A mixing ratio of 1 part manure and 20 parts water is recommended for young plants and seedlings, and 1 part manure and 10 parts water for older and larger plants, once a week. Lawns are fertilized once a week with 1 part liquid manure and 50 parts water.

Are there plants that do not tolerate nettle manure?

The stinging nettle is mainly used in vegetable cultivation and is particularly suitable as a fertilizer for heavily consuming plants such as tomatoes, peppers, potatoes or cabbage. The situation is different for plants that live in a symbiosis with so-called nodule bacteria. They bind nitrogen from the air and are not dependent on any additional supply of nitrogen, in this case from the stinging nettle. These include i.a. Beans and peas but also onions and garlic.

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