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Baking soda can do more than just let cake dough rise. As a cleaning agent, it brightens up the apartment, and as a natural remedy, it alleviates stomach problems. Does the household remedy baking soda also help against weeds?

In a nutshell

  • Baking soda is the common name for sodium bicarbonate
  • known for generations as a household remedy
  • The alkaline effect of baking soda is used in detergents, medicines and cosmetics
  • helps destroy weeds

Baking soda as a chemical compound

Baking soda is the common name for sodium bicarbonate with the chemical formula NaHCO3. Alternative names for the white, odorless, crystalline substance are

  • baking soda
  • baking soda
  • baking soda

Notice: Natural sources of soda are primarily in the United States, where it occurs in the form of the mineral nahcolith. In small amounts, it is a waste product from oil production.

Baking soda for weed control

When sodium bicarbonate is mixed with water, it splits into sodium and bicarbonate. Bicarbonate is a base. Their neutralizing effect on acids is used in naturopathy.

Weeds are sensitive to the alkaline powder. The crystalline substance settles in the pores of the plants and clogs them.

How to properly use baking soda against weeds

  1. Bring a liter of water to a boil.
  2. Add a tablespoon of baking soda.
  3. Let the mixture cool down.
  4. Pour the cooled liquid into a spray bottle.
  5. Spray the unwanted weeds with it.
  6. Repeat the procedure after a week.

The application described is suitable for controlling weeds in paving joints. This also eliminates larger accumulations of weeds. If you only want to eliminate individual plants, you can use powdered baking soda directly.

Instructions for direct use of baking soda against weeds

  • Wet the unwanted plants with water.
  • Sprinkle baking soda on top. About a teaspoon per plant is sufficient.
  • Repeat the application after a month.
  • Remove the dead plant parts.

Tip: Baking soda increases the pH of the soil and can prevent fungal diseases and pest infestations.

prevent weed growth

Targeted prevention is even better, longer-lasting and more environmentally friendly than destroying weeds with household remedies such as baking soda. You should always keep the following tips in mind:

Ground cover plants such as periwinkle (Vinca minor) can be used to prevent weeds from spreading.
  1. Joint sand helps against accumulation of weeds in the joints between the paving stones.
  2. Ground covers prevent unwanted weed growth in beds. Planting also protects the soil from drying out.
  3. Don't wait until the weeds crowd out the useful and ornamental plants. Regular weeding on beds and paths can curb weed growth in the long term.

frequently asked Questions

Do baking soda and soda have the same chemical composition?

Sodium bicarbonate is called baking soda or baking soda. Soda, on the other hand, is the colloquial name for sodium carbonate. Both substances are different in their effect. Baking soda is used for weed control.

Where can you buy baking soda?

Baking soda powder is commercially available in small quantities as a leavening agent. You can buy it in drugstores and pharmacies as a bath additive or to relieve heartburn. If you want to curb weed growth, you should use the cheaper bulk packs.

Are baking soda and sodium bicarbonate the same substance?

No, baking soda contains baking soda, starch, and acid. The mixture allows the dough to rise as it bakes. If you want to use sodium bicarbonate for baking, you need to add yogurt, sour cream, or some other acidic substance.

Is spraying the weeds with baking soda safe?

If you mix a tablespoon of sodium bicarbonate with water according to our instructions, the application is completely safe for the user and for the environment. You can even bathe in soda water. Add a little baking soda to your bath water every now and then. This makes your skin noticeably softer.

Is it permissible to use sodium bicarbonate to control weeds?

Home remedies are not always environmentally friendly. Don't worry about baking soda. The agent does not pose a threat to the environment. However, avoid using it near crops and ornamental plants.

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