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An inferior soil has a negative effect on the vitality of the plants and the possible crop yields. Soil improvement helps to permanently improve the garden soil.

In a nutshell

  • First check the composition of the soil
  • light soils dry out quickly
  • loosen heavy soils
  • dig up heavily compacted soil
  • Green manure for revitalization

Determine soil type

Before taking any measures to improve the soil, it is necessary to determine the type of soil. You do not have to carry out a soil analysis for this, just take a soil sample and prepare it. This can be done using the following instructions:

  • remove soil
  • about a handful
  • shape ball
  • roll out like sausage
Before any soil improvement measures can be taken, the soil type must first be determined.

As soon as you shape the sausage, you will notice what type of sausage it is. The behavior of the soil provides information about the properties of the current garden soil:

  • Grainy, breaks easily, sandy: light soils
  • easily malleable, smooth: loamy soils
  • good grip, smooth, sticky, shiny: clay floors

Medium-heavy soil, which should have a large proportion of humus, is ideal for many garden plants. They also contain sand, which protects against waterlogging and makes them more airy. In most cases, they do not require any soil improvement other than regular fertilization. Medium-heavy soils are particularly easy to determine by means of a soil analysis or can be recognized by the following properties:

  • slightly crumbly
  • easily malleable
  • a bit damp
  • not wet
  • gets warm quickly

Notice: If water constantly collects on the surface of the earth, you have to reckon with heavily compacted garden soil.

Improve light soils

Light soils often struggle with poor structure, frequent drought and lack of nutrients. These are not good conditions for numerous garden plants, especially if you want to cultivate vegetables. The nutrient supply is important for the soil improvement of light garden soil. Mineral fertilizers are not suitable, as they are often washed out. Enrich the soil with mature compost in spring to improve the supply of nutrients to the plants. Another problem is the water supply. Light soils often do not store enough moisture.

Regular mulching helps improve light soils by increasing water retention capacity.

The following methods improve the water storage capacity of the light garden soil:

  • mulch
  • Incorporate soil-improving materials
  • e.g. perlite, bentonite, loam, ground clay, rock dust

Optimize heavy soils

Heavy soils include garden soil that contains high amounts of loam or clay but little sand. Since they store a lot of water, you don't have to deal with drought with these soils, which is a great advantage. Nevertheless, you have to loosen them up so that they don't compact over the years, which in turn leads to waterlogging. For this reason, soil improvement is only possible in spring, when the soil is no longer too wet. Then work in compost to loosen and optimize the structure. You should also use the following methods to improve the heavy soil:

  • Work in sand or perlite
  • ideally in spring
  • loosen up in the fall
  • loosening up in summer is also possible
  • use a rake for this
For heavy or compacted soil, it is always advisable to dig up the soil first.

Loosen compacted soil

One of the most important points when improving your garden soil is to loosen compacted areas. Compacted soils have a negative effect on root growth, which significantly weakens the vitality of plants. They absorb fewer nutrients, are less able to anchor themselves in the ground or become submerged over time. Fortunately, with a little effort, compaction can be quickly removed. The following guide will help you:

  • Thoroughly dig up heavily compacted soil
  • Use a tiller, spade, hoe or digging fork
  • Work in quartz sand or gravel (fine grain).
  • Depth: about 15 cm
  • incorporate additional compost
  • Only loosen compacted soils with a layer of humus
  • do not use a milling machine for this
  • use green manure

Green manure for soil improvement

Green manure is recommended if the garden soil is not to be used for a long period of time or is to be prepared for the next season. With this you plant certain plants that have a positive effect on the garden soil. Above all, species from the following three families and subfamilies should be mentioned:

  • Bee Friend (Phacelia)
  • Legumes (Fabacae)
  • Cruciferous (Brassicaceae)
Tansy phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia)

The most popular green manure plants include lupins (Lupinus), mustard (Sinapis) and tansy phacelia (Phacelia tanacetifolia). Due to their strong root system and their properties, they offer a number of advantages for soil improvement:

  • better soil structure
  • accumulate nutrients
  • protects floors from weather and drought
  • suppresses weeds

Green manures are particularly effective if the garden soil would lie fallow after a harvest. The cover crop thus prepares the soil for the next season or improves it after a long period of non-use. A brief guide to green manure:

  • Sow between April and October
  • depending on the selected plant species
  • mow before seed maturity
  • Exception: just before the onset of winter
  • only mow after winter
  • Leave green manure
  • over a period of several days
  • have to dry
  • then work into the soil
  • alternatively use as mulch

Notice: Use green manure if you have planted heavy feeders such as cabbage (Brassica oleracea) or pumpkins (Cucurbita). The soil after such cultures is always poor in nutrients.

frequently asked Questions

What must be considered when creating a drainage?

If the soil is permanently wet despite the optimization, you should think about drainage. In many cases, materials such as sand are no longer enough and you have to divert the water. To do this, the bed or garden section is dug up and equipped with perforated water pipes that are laid on a layer of gravel or sand. The pipes are routed into seepage shafts or other drains and finally covered with the excavated earth.

When is it necessary to determine the pH value?

The pH value does not have to be determined if the plants to be planted do not place any special requirements on them (and thus on the soil). A pH value of 6.0 to 7.0 is perfectly sufficient for the majority of garden plants. For species with special pH requirements, e.g. rhododendrons (Rhododendron) or Christmas roses (Helleborus niger), a test is required to know the exact pH value.

How important is a mixed culture?

Mixed cultures are necessary to maintain the improved soils in the long term. If you only planted the same heavy feeders on the same piece of soil, this would have a negative effect on the structure and quality. At the same time, more and more pathogens are entering the soil. This often leads to bad harvests or ailing plants, which can be prevented by mixed cultures.

Is coconut soil suitable for improving garden soil?

Yes, coco soil can be used as an additive to get a well-structured, airy and germ-free soil in the garden. In addition, coconut soil stores significantly more water than conventional substrates, which is good for thirsty plants. It is mixed with garden soil in a ratio of 1:1 to permanently improve it. When purchasing, look out for products with a Fairtrade seal (e.g. GEPA).

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