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You usually notice it as soon as you open the door to the basement. It smells bad. After mould, earth or decay. You can find out how to successfully get rid of the basement smell here.

In a nutshell

  • Cellar odor mostly musty and damp
  • Causes have to be found
  • versatile methods of control and prevention
  • Only use damp basements as storage space in emergencies
  • Be sure to get rid of mold and moisture

How does a basement smell?

Everyone perceives smells differently. However, if the door to the basement is open, this is often noticed throughout the house. This is because the cellar develops a typical smell. This applies in particular to old, damp, uninsulated natural cellars. You smell of

  • Humidity,
  • Mould,
  • damp plaster,
  • modern wood or
  • Earth.

Notice: If food is stored in it, it can also smell foul.

Where does the musty smell come from?

This characteristic odor develops due to moisture in the basement that cannot escape. It ensures that fungi develop. These include wood-decomposing fungi and moulds. Rot smells can be caused by spoiled food, but sometimes also by dead animals that have found their way into the basement.

Moisture in the basement is often a major cause of the musty smell.

find cause

If the basement is mostly unused, then it is easier to determine the causes of the odors. Strong lighting is required for this, if necessary a flashlight. Then all floors, walls and ceilings are examined, especially for mold or flaking plaster. You should also be on the lookout for decomposing animals. Rising damp can be recognized by dark spots on the floor. Equally important is the examination of all built-in wooden parts. Not only because of the moisture, but also because pests like to nest in damp wood.

Notice: If mushroom networks or even fruiting bodies of mushrooms are visible, a specialist should definitely be called in. They can be dangerous building pests.

Basement as storage room

The cause of musty odors can be more difficult to find if the basement is used as a storage room. Then not only the walls and ceilings have to be examined, but also the stored things. This means that the basement must be completely cleared out first. Upholstered furniture and clothing are particularly at risk.

Methods against basement odor

Below we have put together a few tips and tricks that you can use to counteract or, ideally, prevent musty smells in the basement.

Ventilate the basement regularly!
  • Remove all unnecessary furniture, objects and especially clothing from the basement. The emptier the basement is, the better the air can circulate.
  • Throw away moldy things.
  • If the basement is used for storage, clear everything out and then air it thoroughly. On this occasion Remove cardboard boxes and replace it with other more suitable storage options.
  • Find and eliminate damaged areas in the basement. Remove loose plaster and freshly plaster, rehabilitate damp areas or call in a specialist.
  • Mould with appropriate means remove.
  • Helps with natural cellars lime. Either apply purchased lime paint or mix the paint yourself. Not only does it neutralize the smell of the basement, it also helps regulate moisture and prevents mold growth.
  • possible use little wood in the cellar. Treat all necessary wooden components with wood preservatives. Use metal or plastic as an alternative to wood. Metal can rust, but not mold.
  • The cellar smell settles in preferentially clothing away. This before wearing to wash and best air dry leave. You won't get rid of the smell otherwise. Airing it out alone isn't enough.
  • Also upholstered furniture are susceptible to the basement odor. It is therefore better not to store it in the basement in the first place. Is that inevitable furniture wrap in thick foil and keep dry. Thoroughly clean or have cleaned before reuse.
  • Cleaning the basement don't use too much water, since moisture is generally poorly drained.
  • After each damp cleaning Let the basement dry out thoroughly. Set up dehumidifiers in basements where not much moisture can penetrate from the outside.
  • One of the most important methods is regular thorough ventilation of the basement. Open all windows and doors and keep them open on a dry, warm day. To prevent animals from entering the cellar, Secure basement windows with insect screens.
  • When household items need to be stored in the basement, these do not place directly against the walls, always leave enough space for ventilation. For this reason the Don't overcrowd the roomIf possible, leave the doors open to improve air circulation. Windows must always be accessible for ventilation.

frequently asked Questions

Is it advisable to insulate natural cellars afterwards?

This is not absolutely necessary. The basement only needs to be expanded and renovated if it is to be used as living space or storage. Otherwise, it is sufficient to insulate the basement ceiling.

Can the musty smell be masked with other smells?

This solution seems to be one of the easiest ways to get rid of unpleasant odors, but it doesn't actually address the root cause. Also, you can't get rid of the smell permanently.

What should you store in the basement?

Classic, uninsulated natural cellars used to be used to store food. They were frost-free and had just the right amount of moisture to keep the apples and potatoes from shriveling. Insulated, converted basements are no longer suitable for storing unpackaged food; instead, non-sensitive household items can be accommodated.

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