An older yucca palm cannot be overlooked because of its imposing appearance. With its growth behavior, it can even manage to touch the ceiling. But how does a yucca palm grow until then?

In a nutshell

  • Yucca palm grows fast
  • grows to a height of around 2 to 3 meters in this country
  • Growth retardation in the event of a lack of light and nutrients and a pot that is too small
  • reduce fertilizer if there is an urge to grow, repot only every 4 to 5 years and shorten if necessary
  • Top heads for bushier growth or place several plants in one pot

Rapid growth

Among plant lovers and in the trade, this houseplant is usually called yucca palm (Yucca elephantipes), but it is more correctly called giant palm lily. Not without good reason, because its typical growth behavior makes it not only a beautiful but also a huge palm tree under optimal circumstances. It grows quickly when it is young and can reach the following size when fully grown:

  • up to 10 meters in their homeland
  • in this country their growth is limited by climate and pot
  • on average 2 to 3 meters in height
  • in the pot also rarely up to 5 m high
  • in mild regions and with winter protection, it also grows to a height of 2-3 m outdoors
  • annual growth varies greatly
  • depending on living conditions as well as initial size and age of the palm

Notice: The leaves of the yucca palm may be sharp-edged. To prevent injuries, it is therefore advisable to wear gloves when handling the plant.

growth habit

Each yucca palm has an individual appearance, because living conditions and light source influence growth. But the following features are typical for most indoor specimens of the giant palm lily:

  • stem(s) growing vertically upwards
  • thick, fibrous on the outside and grey-beige
  • brown with age and often hollow
  • with numerous thin leafy shoots
  • leaves grow radially arranged like crests at the ends
  • sword-like, soft and green to dark green
  • spiked at the end and weakly serrate on the sides
  • young leaves protrude upwards
  • old leaves are up to 1 meter long and 8 cm wide
  • the lowermost leaves of a tuft gradually dry up and fall off

Tip: If your palm grows too fast or has already reached a considerable height, you should only repot it every 4-5 years to slow down its growth rate.

growth influences

The living conditions of a palm tree have a major impact on how quickly and healthily it grows. An ideal location and good care are the primary growth drivers.

  • airy and bright, preferably in full sun
  • from May to October a stay outdoors is also good
  • permeable soil for potted plants
  • not too moist soil, occasional spraying with water
  • Apply green plant fertilizer every 14 days from May to September
  • Avoid "unilateral" lighting
  • Turn the yucca if necessary

Tip: Lack of light results in thin shoots and sparse vegetation. If the corner of the room is too dark for your Yucca elephantipes, you should definitely install a suitable plant lamp.

frequently asked Questions

My yucca doesn't really want to grow, why is that?

If your plant looks healthy, you should look for the reasons for no or delayed growth in its living conditions. It may be too dark, has a pot that is too small or is not getting enough nutrients. As soon as the cause is found and eliminated, the growth of the yucca palm changes in a timely manner.

How can a rapidly growing giant palm lily be slowed down?

Reduce the amount of fertilizer in good time to slow down the growth of new leaves. However, you should not stop fertilizing completely, so that there is no shortage of supply. If the palm has already grown too big, it can be shortened with a sharp knife. Incidentally, the cut part is ideal for propagation. Moving away from the light source is not recommended as a growth brake. The result would be an ever bare growing plant.

What needs to be done so that the yucca palm can grow bushier?

Top off your plant in spring. With a bit of luck, the decapitated stem will soon sprout more than just one new shoot. In addition, you can plant the cut top with the mother plant in a large pot.

Does a well-grown yucca palm also produce flowers?

Only after about ten years of life and under ideal living conditions can the giant palm lily sprout an inflorescence up to one meter high from the tuft of leaves. The innumerable bell-shaped flowers, about 5 cm in size, in panicles, are reminiscent of lilies of the valley with their shape and white color. They are theoretically edible and are also used in salads, but they contain many saponins.
