The water shoot on the olive tree is visually very different from a fruit shoot. For a good state of health and a high harvest of fruit from the olive tree, they should be cut off at regular intervals.
In a nutshell
- Water instinct is visually recognizable by a lighter color, no bark and a slender shape
- usually bear neither leaves nor fruit
- Development of the shoots results from a deficiency of Olea europaea
- Ideally, cut back after the ice saints
- Cut shoots directly on the branch ring to avoid the formation of new shoots of water
identifying features
Water shoots are usually found inside the crown. The starting point is a sleeping bud, which can be recognized as a thickening on the branch. Visually, the water shoots on the olive tree (Olea europaea) differ very clearly from the other branches. In comparison to fruiting branches, they often do not have a structured bark and are visibly lighter in colour. In addition, they are characterized by a noticeably softer fabric structure, which means that they can be easily pressed in.
The reasons for the formation of a water instinct on olive trees are diverse. Water shooter growth is due to the following four factors:
- excessive pruning in the previous year
- low fruit development over several years
- disproportionately high amounts of fertilizer
- species-specific strong growth
Like all other fruit trees, the real olive tree constantly develops water shoots. This primarily tries to compensate for the missing branches and fruits. In addition, he tries to use all available nutrients as optimally as possible.
Benefits of Pruning
By reaching a length of up to one meter, the water instinct requires a great deal of space within the crown. However, this growth is at the expense of the vitality of the other branches. However, the water shoots only develop leaves and fruit in the rarest of cases. This results from the reduced exposure inside the crown. Nevertheless, they deprive Olea europaea of the vital nutrients during the growth phase. These are then in turn not available for the development of further shoots or fruits.
Notice: Due to the overall delicate cell structure, the water shoots are a preferred target for pests such as lice or vine weevils. With the help of their sharp mouthparts, they effortlessly bite through the thin layers of fibers.
The best time to cut back water shoots on olive trees is after the Ice Saints. The tree has a large number of sleeping eyes, especially during periods of frost. These are stimulated by pruning measures and drive out to water shoots.
In addition, the following weather conditions are recommended:
- cloudy sky
- no rain
- little to no wind
- Temperatures of at least 12 degrees Celsius
Notice: Avoid pruning in autumn due to possible frost damage at the cut points.
process of pruning
In order to prevent optimal healing of the interfaces and repeated expulsion of water shoots, a few tips must be observed when pruning.
- Sharpen and disinfect cutting tools
- Recognize vertically growing water shoots based on external features
- Cut young shoots by hand or secateurs at the starting point
- Cut older shoots on the branch ring with the help of pruning shears
Notice: The pruning should amount to a maximum of one third of the shoots. This prevents the excessive new formation of water instincts. In particular, very small olive trees tend to grow water shoots every year.
frequently asked Questions
Should the cuts be treated with a wound sealant?When cutting back using a sharp tool, there is usually no need to use a wound sealant. Due to the straight cut edges, Olea europaea is basically able to treat the cut wound independently within a very short time. Nevertheless, the application can be useful for already weakened plants.
What happens to olive trees that are not cut?Due to the constant growth of the fruit and water shoots, the external appearance is very wild. Due to the lack of pruning, the growth of the real olive tree is much slower than that of pruned specimens. In addition, the fruit yield will gradually decrease as a result of the decreasing nutrient capacity for fruit development.
Do excessive pruning measures alone promote the formation of water instincts?In particular, olive trees that are kept very small often develop significantly more water shoots than less heavily pruned fruit plants. This is due to the tree's natural desire to restore cut-back sections in the subsequent growth phase. A differentiation between water and fruit shoots is not possible for the olive tree. As a result, the low-yield water shoots will be formed more often, as these grow in length much faster.