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There are numerous unloved guests in the house and apartment. Some we don't even notice, but others are useful. Fly larvae, on the other hand, are just annoying. If we don't fight them, there will soon be tons of flies buzzing around. We explain how to get the larvae under control and which means really help!

Fight fly larvae

The most obvious approach to clearing lavas is certainly to take action once you've spotted the pesky critters. However, since the larvae are just one stage of development on the way from the egg to the finished fly, there are ultimately many more ways to get the pests out of the apartment once and for all:

fly screen

Fly screens also protect against fly larvae, but they keep their origin much better. If the adult flies that are ready to lay their eggs no longer come into the apartment, no annoying larvae will develop from the clutches:

  • Glue the fly screen tightly into the window frame on all sides
  • Check for a tight fit, especially when opening the window
  • alternatively: use fly screen blinds for permanently easy opening and closing

Essential Oils

Essential oils are also suitable for deterring flies. They work primarily for the flies themselves, but also for their maggots. Either used directly as an oil, or in the form of oily herbs such as rosemary, lavender and thyme, they protect sensitive areas such as the fruit basket or the kitchen in general.

  • Set up and care for herbal plants, in the case of severe infestation, cut branches to allow the essential oils to escape more easily
  • Add oil drop by drop to water and place solution in small jars
  • If necessary, use an aroma lamp and heat the oil-water mixture for better distribution in the air

eliminate nests

Although flies do not build nests, one always speaks of a nest when eggs are repeatedly laid in one place due to special circumstances. A good supply of food for the larvae is the main cause of such nests:

  • Clear away leftovers
  • Check cavities, furniture bases, etc. for dead animals
  • In particular, regularly clean the kitchen, dining table and other rooms and areas associated with food
  • Empty trash cans regularly and clean them afterwards

notice: For the fly things can also be attractive as food that we do not recognize as such at first. Therefore, a high level of hygiene and cleanliness generally helps to keep the animals away in all their developmental stages from the outset.

vinegar essence

In the truest sense of the word, fly larvae can be fought with vinegar essence. They kill the maggots and thus interrupt the reproduction cycle:

  • Add 1 part vinegar essence to 2 parts water
  • Spray larvae with vinegar water
  • The animals die after a few minutes
  • Remove dead caterpillars and disinfect area

tip: After spraying the vinegar water, sprinkle salt over the fly larvae! In this way, the effect achieved is intensified and the animals dry up due to the osmotic imbalance.

danger: Delicate limestone surfaces can be quickly attacked by vinegar and salt and lose their high-quality appearance. Therefore, choose alternative means for worktops or floor coverings made of this material!

pepper water

Pepper water has a similar effect to vinegar essence. This solution is also suitable for fighting the fly caterpillars and freeing the living spaces from the fly plague:

  • Boil a liter of water with a tablespoon of black pepper
  • Spray solution on larvae with spray bottle
  • Death of the animals after a few minutes from dehydration
  • Remove debris and disinfect area

notice: The disinfection of infested areas after fighting the fly larvae must be carried out. Insects tend to secrete faeces and saliva, especially when they are in agony, so that any pathogens that may be present now really get into the center of your life!

Lime/rock flour

One of the most effective substances against fly larvae is lime. Actually, real quicklime would be the most effective, but due to its highly corrosive properties, it should not be used in the home. Instead, lime or rock powder can be used as a substitute:

  • Sprinkle powder over animals
  • After a few minutes, the animals die due to intensive deprivation of moisture
  • Remove flour with dead caterpillars and disinfect surface

sticky traps

For the sake of completeness, sticky traps should also be mentioned, although they can hardly be regarded as contemporary. Flies are attracted via bait and trapped in an adhesive to death. Since the dead animals remain in the flypaper until it is disposed of, the spread of pathogens continues. This type of disposal should only be used in the case of severe infestation, for example in food processing plants:

  • Hang sticky traps from the ceiling with a thumbtack and let them hang freely in the draft
  • Replace regularly


If all other methods fail, chemical insecticides can still be used in the case of an intensive infestation. They work reliably and quickly. However, they should only be used in exceptional cases, since the chemical toxins can remain in the apartment and also pollute the residents in the long run:

  • Spray caterpillars, especially caterpillar nests, with insecticide
  • Remove dead animals and thoroughly clean all fogged areas
  • Use only according to the manufacturer's instructions!

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