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The trout begonia owes its beauty and popularity to its white-spotted foliage. When she loses leaf after leaf, the cause must be quickly investigated, such as a lack of humidity. This is how the tragedy ends!

In a nutshell

  • Trout begonia loses leaves due to unfavorable location or improper care
  • Waterlogging, dryness, low humidity, drafts, temperatures below 18 or above 22 °C are unfavorable to harmful
  • change to warm or cold location or optimize
  • Water the soil moderately, allowing the top layer of soil to dry in between
  • Humidify air regularly with a sprayer
  • Move pot away from heater

Possible causes at a glance

Four unfavorable living conditions can weaken trout begonias, scientifically Begonia maculata, so much that they can no longer take good care of their foliage:

  • Waterlogged or dry bale
  • low humidity
  • unfavorable temperature
  • draft

The affected plant loses its leaves until the causes are eliminated or it dies. Not every leaf has to turn yellow and dry out beforehand. Even juicy, green leaves are shed.

Waterlogged or dry bale

When it comes to watering this plant, its owner has to show tact. Above all, he must regularly stick his finger in the soil to check its moisture content. Because before the next watering is due, the top layer of soil has to dry out. If the soil is dripping wet around a trout begonia that is shedding its leaves, stop watering immediately. If necessary, replace the soil. If the ball is bone dry, water the plant immediately.

When it comes to water management, prevention is better than any rescue, no matter how successful. It can be roughly said that the trout begonia requires new water every three days in summer, while in winter the intervals must be significantly greater.

Tip: This tropical plant prefers soft water. Water them with collected rainwater or decalcified tap water.

Low humidity

Brazil's forests are the homeland of this ornamental foliage plant. They are characterized by high humidity. The indoor air in this country is usually much drier, which makes life more difficult. If warm heating air is added in winter, the difference to home air is no longer acceptable. Respond with the following measures, with which you can also prevent leaf fall in advance:

  • place in a location away from the heater
  • Humidify air daily with water mist from spray bottle
  • never spray the leaves directly

Tip: If your trout begonia is in a dry environment, it will not only lose leaves. Red spider mites can also attack the plant and destroy it. For this reason alone, you should avoid dry air.

Unfavorable temperature

If your trout begonia loses leaves, an incorrect ambient temperature can also be a cause. The ideal temperature window for this heat spoiled plant is extremely small. A minimum of 18 °C and a maximum of 22 °C may be measured at their location during the main growing season. Even in summer, the value that must not be undershot is 15 °C. The plant reacts sensitively to temperature excursions up or down and sheds leaves.

Turn the "temperature screw" or change your location so that the ideal value is given from now on. When it comes to light, the trout begonia can't get enough light. At the same time provided that it remains out of reach of direct sunlight.


The Brazilian reacts sensitively to the finest air movements and so the trout begonia loses its leaves if there is too much draft. Check if their location is near a constantly opening door or in the passageway. A marginal place on the window sill is also unfavorable.

Tip: The draft can also come from a fan that is used for cooling in summer. Don't put it close to the begonia. If this is not possible, move the plant to safety so that it does not lose leaves.

Cut off bare shoots and collect leaves

If some shoots are left unattractively bare after the leaves have fallen, cut or shorten them. This houseplant is very vigorous and will sprout again. In general, this plant can be cut often, which leads to a bushier growth. Pick up fallen leaves from the ground, otherwise there is a risk of mold in combination with moisture.

frequently asked Questions

Can the begonia be outside in summer?

Yes, it can, as long as the temperature and other living conditions are right. But it is often forgotten that even in summer the temperature can drop below 15 °C at night. The trout begonia is losing leaves, although it looks like there is no reason for it.

Humidity is high, why are leaves showing yellow spots?

With high humidity you prevent the trout begonia from losing leaves. But at the same time it needs a lot of light and fresh air. If she doesn't get that, she suffers from a disease called cork stain, despite the high humidity.

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